Accomplish your objective to force the other team to make a move
[cs/action/planting1] Often the other team will be either camping, or moving cautiously, or waiting for you to make a move. Particularly when the round is drawing to a close and there are only a few surviving players left, you can try and turn the tide of battle by putting your enemies on the defensive. If you're a Counter-Terrorist on a hostage rescue map, go grab the remaining hostage and make a run for it. If you're a Terrorist on a bomb/defuse map, try planting the bomb in order to force your enemies out. And so on. If done carefully, this can often turn the hunter into the hunted, since now you will be taking the initiative and forcing your enemies into predictable, sometimes exposed, behavior (chasing after the hostages and their rescuer, defusing the bomb, etc.). If you're being hunted, try flipping the script.
Leave gratings and vents intact when possible
[cs/action/vent3]Untouched windows and vents serve as an early warning system. It takes noise to open a vent or grating -- not much if a knife is used, but enough to to be noticed if it's nearby -- and this can alert you to sneaking enemies even when they're not direct line of sight. Even for vents and destructible objects far away, seeing them destroyed -- or noticing later that they're destroyed -- can give you a heads-up as to enemy locations, provided you know your team isn't shooting at them. If you hold off on destroying vents and gratings, you'll know that when they're gone an enemy was responsible.
Don't hesitate to sacrifice yourself for the team
[cs/action/kill2] The goal of Counter-Strike is for your team to win, not just you. To be a successful Counter-Strike player, you need to put your team above yourself -- and that means your team, not whatever clan you're in this week. To accomplish your objective, that sometimes means laying down your life for the good of the team. When your teammate is planting a bomb, you need to put yourself between him and the enemy. When the VIP is making a hasty retreat, don't hesitate to try to lead the enemy astray by moving out of cover and drawing fire while he can escape. When your teammate is making a run with the hostages trailing behind him, step in the line of fire to give the enemy multiple targets. Your team always comes first.
Take out snipers first
[cs/action/snipe2]Snipers -- enemy on high ground and watching over your advance, whether they're actually using sniper weapons or not -- are your primary concern. When you're on the offensive, competent snipers are the main impediment to achieving your objective. Give the highest priority to taking out the snipers; once they're gone you can continue on. Snipers are your biggest threat when advancing. Eliminate them first.
When low on ammo and enemy is nearby, pick up enemy gun
[cs/action/corpse1]When you're in the thick of things, often successfully reloading before you come across another enemy is the primary impediment to your success. When you've just downed an enemy -- particularly if you caught him unaware so he did not return much fire -- and you need to reload but other enemies are nearby, consider picking up the downed enemy's weapon. Obviously, this is a particularly good idea if his weapon is superior to your own. If your enemies are hunting you, they may wait until right after a firefight to make their move, figuring that you're probably distracted or low on ammo or reloading. Being fully prepared with a fully-loaded weapon can give you the upper hand. If you're low on ammo, consider picking up weapons from your downed foes.
When sniping, relocate after being spotted
[cs/action/snipe4]Snipers are deadly in any realistic game like Counter-Strike -- running out into open without cover is tantamount to suicide. But by the same token, an uncareful sniper can easily be taken down by an enemy sniper, or even an assaulting foe with an accurate weapon (like an AK47 or a Colt) and good aim. If you're sniping, once you're spotted, relocate to another position. It doesn't necessarily have to be far away, your head just needs to be poking out of another area. If you're firing at another sniper who doesn't yet see you and miss, he shortly will -- move to another position and resume the attack. A sniper in a known location is a soon-to-be-dead sniper.
If the round ends and you survive, avoid enemy contact
[cs/action/snipe1] If the round ends by something other than elimination -- i.e., the Counter-Terrorists rescue all the hostages or the Terrorists successfully destroy the bomb site -- then avoid enemy contact. At this point it does you no good to engage the enemy: The round is already over and you only risk getting killed. Part of Counter-Strike is managing your money, and risking losing your current weapon is not worth it when the round is already over. It doesn't do you any good to engage the enemy once the round is over.
If you find yourself isolated and outmatched, concentrate on taking out one enemy
Every Counter-Strike player has found themselves out on point and has accidentally stumbled into the spearhead of an enemy assault. When you have no choice but to die, take someone out with you. Instead of spraying bullets at the entire general area, hoping to whittle all of the opponents down, concentrate on one individual and inflict all your might upon him before you get taken down. Your remaining teammates will be better off with one fewer enemy rather than that same amount of damage spread over each enemy. If you find yourself being overrun and are certain to die, concentrate on taking one enemy with you, to help out your teammates down the line.
Friday, November 30, 2007
Cs Tactics
Take advantage of background noise when being stealthy
[cs/action/splatter2] Running at normal speed makes noise; so does opening moving boxes, and opening grates or vents. Walking instead of running will eliminate the noise you make when moving, but to move or open things you generally must make some amount of noise, potentially giving your position away to the enemy. When you're being stealthy, it's in your best interest to wait until there is ambient noise -- such as gunfire -- to make your move. This way the noise you make is less likely to be noticed among the din. If there's no background noise available, you can make your own -- throw a grenade as a decoy. Take advantage of background firing and grenade explosions to make your move.
Avoid jumping in low gravity (low gravity)
[cs/action/high1]On servers with low gravity, the worst thing you can do is jump. It sends you sailing through the air in a nice, slow arc, making you an easy target. More importantly, though, your firing accuracy is severely reduced when jumping -- most rifles are nearly useless at even short range when in the air. If gravity is low, whatever you do -- don't jump.
Use smoke grenades to provide cover when none is available
[cs/action/smoke1]Smoke grenades can help provide cover when you're under sniper fire and won't survive a charge. Note that smoke billows out of the grenade slowly, in a rotating pattern -- so make sure you're on the right side of the smoke if you want to take advantage of its cover. Note that the obscurity goes both ways -- if they can't see you, then you can't see them. Excessive use of smoke grenades is often considered exploitative, since it is sometimes used to malicious reduce frame rates for others. Use smoke for cover -- but quickly, before the smoke fades away and leaves you exposed.
Use flashbang grenades before charging
[cs/equipment/flashbang]Flashbangs are one of the secret weapons of Counter-Strike. Flashbangs blind their opponent, for a period of time that depends on their proximity to the blast. A flashbang at close range, for instance, can leave the victim completely incapacitated for a full ten seconds -- an eternity in close quarters combat. When you know the enemy is lurking around a corner, a flashbang can be a devastating softening up weapon: Throw the flashbang, blind your enemy, and then charge and finish him off. Note that due to their relatively short duration, flashbangs are not very useful unless they are followed up with an immediate charge. Needless to say, take care not to flashbang yourself or your own team.
Cover when reloading
[cs/action/cover1]When you are reloading you are at your most vulnerable. Different weapons take different amounts of time to reload. The shotguns -- the M3 and XM1014 -- have the most rapid reloading mechanism: You can reload them one round at a time, and fire between rounds. As for the rest of the weapons, they must be reloaded one magazine at a time. It's best to take cover when reloading -- don't continue your assault, and avoid enemy contact until you've finished reloading. When reloading, take cover and avoid getting the enemy's attention.
Don't habitually reload after a kill
[cs/action/reload1]Many single player games that are superficially like Counter-Strike encourage players to reload almost instinctually after they score a kill, since the next enemy will be around the corner waiting for them. In Counter-Strike this a bad idea, since your enemies will often travel in groups. Instead, conserve ammunition by only using as much as you need to kill your target, and then wait until a lull in the fighting before reloading. Suppress the urge to immediately reload after every kill. Instead wait until you know there are no enemies nearby.
Use high-explosive grenades to finish off injured, pinned-down enemies
[cs/equipment/he]Grenades are good for softening up the enemy before a charge. They really come into their own, though, when you're fighting against an enemy at moderate distance who has already taken some damage. If he has nowhere to run, then you can toss a HE grenade right into his lap and there's little he can do about it. It is particularly effective when your target is in a confined area where they cannot move about much. Corner them, pin them down, injure them, and then finish them off with a grenade.
Switch to sidearm when out of ammunition in a firefight
Out of ammunition with your primary weapon? Switch to your sidearm, or, in the worst case, your knife. Practice this; if you know you're about to have an encounter with an enemy around the corner and already have a few rounds left in your primary, switch to your sidearm early so that you don't waste time switching mid-fight. If you get caught reloading, you can still switch to your sidearm (although obviously your reload won't have completed so your primary will still be out of ammo). Be ready to switch to your sidearm at a moment's notice.
Watch alcoves and corners for ambushers
[cs/action/ambush1]When rushing, be sure you watch for enemies in the nooks and crannies that you're passing. It's quite easy for an enemy to take cover and prepare for an ambush when you're rushing; you can easily find yourself when enemies in cover behind you. When rushing, don't go blindly; check for ambushers.
Follow hostages to Counter-Terrorists (Terrorist)
[cs/action/rescue1] On hostage rescue maps, when the Counter-Terrorists collect the hostages, you can hear the hostages respond (when the Terrorists collect hostages, the hostages do not say anything). As most players know, hostages are somewhat sketchy about how ably they follow their rescuers; often they get stuck in corners or at doorways and have to be led by the nose. When in an open area, though, hostages will make a beeline for their rescuer -- and this affords the pursuing Terrorists an advantage. When you spot a moving hostage, you know he's being rescued, and his motion will provide a direct line to where his rescuers are. Hostages move at about the same speed as a player at a dead run, but given their beeline motion you can often head the rescuers off at the pass. When the Counter-Terrorists collect the hostages, all is not lost: Follow the hostages to their rescuers.
Concentrate on what's ahead when rushing
[cs/action/rush1]When you're rushing, when you near your target (say, a doorway or a corridor), you should get tunnel vision. Trying to keep tabs on everything that's going on around you is counterproductive; you will easily fall to an enemy up ahead when you're busy looking around. Concentrate on the task ahead of you; you're not going to be able to effectively deal with threats that are flanking you anyway, and your best defense from there will be to get to where you're headed and secure the area. When you're decidedly advancing, don't get distracted by what's going on around you.
Immediately retreat when blinded by a flashbang
When you get blinded by a flashbang, it means that the enemy is about to rush. Pull back as best you can (given where you were just before you were blinded); if you can pull back enough, you might widen the distance between you and the advancing enemy enough that your sight returns before they engage you. The worst thing you can do is freeze, or continue your advance. If you are really caught by surprise and know that no friendlies are nearby, sometimes firing blind is the only choice left open to you. You'll probably fall anyway, but maybe you'll manage to hurt one of the advancers so that one of your teammates will have an easier time taking him out later. When blinded, retreat as best you can.
Provide assistance for your teammates
[cs/action/high3] You and your team are in this together; the goal is to help your team win the round, not for you to be on top of the heap. When your teammates call for help, provide assistance. When you hear nearby gunfire, divert to the area to see if you can flank an enemy. You are part of a team; act like it.
Follow your teammates' lead
[cs/action/cover1]In a team-based game, it's important to follow the lead of your teammates that are nearby. If your teammates are waiting in ambush, you should wait in ambush too instead of rushing out and giving their position away. If you're following some people who are clearly trying to be stealthy (by walking instead of running), you should be quiet as well, or otherwise you undo their attempts to not be detected. Even when you're dealing with players who are far less experienced than you, doing things together as a team will benefit your whole team.
When sniping known enemy locations, line up and zoom, and then strafe out of cover
[cs/action/snipe3]When you're sniping, you will frequently find yourself facing off against other players -- possibly also with sniper weapons -- who have either directly spotted you or know the general area in which you're sniping from. When it's snipers vs. snipers, the first to get off the accurate shot wins. When you know the general area of your victims, instead of walking out of cover (where you yourself can be shot), zooming, lining up, and firing, try short-circuiting the process: Instead, when still behind cover, zoom one level and then step out. If you're aiming right, the enemy should be within your line of vision, at which point you can line up, possibly zooming in another level, and finish him off. This can substantially reduce the time you're exposed to enemy fire. Particularly when the other enemy is already out of cover and is waiting for you to pop out again, this can give you a fighting chance.
Always buy defuse kit (Counter-Terrorist)
[cs/equipment/defuse]On bomb/defuse maps, it's in the best interests of the Counter-Terrorists to always buy a defuse kit. In previous versions of Counter-Strike, it was fairly expensive, but in 1.3 and up it is only $200, the cost of a flashbang. You should always go out of your way to pick up defuse kits that are lying on the ground due to fallen comrades, as well. Always get the defuse kit. It's a steal.
[cs/action/splatter2] Running at normal speed makes noise; so does opening moving boxes, and opening grates or vents. Walking instead of running will eliminate the noise you make when moving, but to move or open things you generally must make some amount of noise, potentially giving your position away to the enemy. When you're being stealthy, it's in your best interest to wait until there is ambient noise -- such as gunfire -- to make your move. This way the noise you make is less likely to be noticed among the din. If there's no background noise available, you can make your own -- throw a grenade as a decoy. Take advantage of background firing and grenade explosions to make your move.
Avoid jumping in low gravity (low gravity)
[cs/action/high1]On servers with low gravity, the worst thing you can do is jump. It sends you sailing through the air in a nice, slow arc, making you an easy target. More importantly, though, your firing accuracy is severely reduced when jumping -- most rifles are nearly useless at even short range when in the air. If gravity is low, whatever you do -- don't jump.
Use smoke grenades to provide cover when none is available
[cs/action/smoke1]Smoke grenades can help provide cover when you're under sniper fire and won't survive a charge. Note that smoke billows out of the grenade slowly, in a rotating pattern -- so make sure you're on the right side of the smoke if you want to take advantage of its cover. Note that the obscurity goes both ways -- if they can't see you, then you can't see them. Excessive use of smoke grenades is often considered exploitative, since it is sometimes used to malicious reduce frame rates for others. Use smoke for cover -- but quickly, before the smoke fades away and leaves you exposed.
Use flashbang grenades before charging
[cs/equipment/flashbang]Flashbangs are one of the secret weapons of Counter-Strike. Flashbangs blind their opponent, for a period of time that depends on their proximity to the blast. A flashbang at close range, for instance, can leave the victim completely incapacitated for a full ten seconds -- an eternity in close quarters combat. When you know the enemy is lurking around a corner, a flashbang can be a devastating softening up weapon: Throw the flashbang, blind your enemy, and then charge and finish him off. Note that due to their relatively short duration, flashbangs are not very useful unless they are followed up with an immediate charge. Needless to say, take care not to flashbang yourself or your own team.
Cover when reloading
[cs/action/cover1]When you are reloading you are at your most vulnerable. Different weapons take different amounts of time to reload. The shotguns -- the M3 and XM1014 -- have the most rapid reloading mechanism: You can reload them one round at a time, and fire between rounds. As for the rest of the weapons, they must be reloaded one magazine at a time. It's best to take cover when reloading -- don't continue your assault, and avoid enemy contact until you've finished reloading. When reloading, take cover and avoid getting the enemy's attention.
Don't habitually reload after a kill
[cs/action/reload1]Many single player games that are superficially like Counter-Strike encourage players to reload almost instinctually after they score a kill, since the next enemy will be around the corner waiting for them. In Counter-Strike this a bad idea, since your enemies will often travel in groups. Instead, conserve ammunition by only using as much as you need to kill your target, and then wait until a lull in the fighting before reloading. Suppress the urge to immediately reload after every kill. Instead wait until you know there are no enemies nearby.
Use high-explosive grenades to finish off injured, pinned-down enemies
[cs/equipment/he]Grenades are good for softening up the enemy before a charge. They really come into their own, though, when you're fighting against an enemy at moderate distance who has already taken some damage. If he has nowhere to run, then you can toss a HE grenade right into his lap and there's little he can do about it. It is particularly effective when your target is in a confined area where they cannot move about much. Corner them, pin them down, injure them, and then finish them off with a grenade.
Switch to sidearm when out of ammunition in a firefight
Out of ammunition with your primary weapon? Switch to your sidearm, or, in the worst case, your knife. Practice this; if you know you're about to have an encounter with an enemy around the corner and already have a few rounds left in your primary, switch to your sidearm early so that you don't waste time switching mid-fight. If you get caught reloading, you can still switch to your sidearm (although obviously your reload won't have completed so your primary will still be out of ammo). Be ready to switch to your sidearm at a moment's notice.
Watch alcoves and corners for ambushers
[cs/action/ambush1]When rushing, be sure you watch for enemies in the nooks and crannies that you're passing. It's quite easy for an enemy to take cover and prepare for an ambush when you're rushing; you can easily find yourself when enemies in cover behind you. When rushing, don't go blindly; check for ambushers.
Follow hostages to Counter-Terrorists (Terrorist)
[cs/action/rescue1] On hostage rescue maps, when the Counter-Terrorists collect the hostages, you can hear the hostages respond (when the Terrorists collect hostages, the hostages do not say anything). As most players know, hostages are somewhat sketchy about how ably they follow their rescuers; often they get stuck in corners or at doorways and have to be led by the nose. When in an open area, though, hostages will make a beeline for their rescuer -- and this affords the pursuing Terrorists an advantage. When you spot a moving hostage, you know he's being rescued, and his motion will provide a direct line to where his rescuers are. Hostages move at about the same speed as a player at a dead run, but given their beeline motion you can often head the rescuers off at the pass. When the Counter-Terrorists collect the hostages, all is not lost: Follow the hostages to their rescuers.
Concentrate on what's ahead when rushing
[cs/action/rush1]When you're rushing, when you near your target (say, a doorway or a corridor), you should get tunnel vision. Trying to keep tabs on everything that's going on around you is counterproductive; you will easily fall to an enemy up ahead when you're busy looking around. Concentrate on the task ahead of you; you're not going to be able to effectively deal with threats that are flanking you anyway, and your best defense from there will be to get to where you're headed and secure the area. When you're decidedly advancing, don't get distracted by what's going on around you.
Immediately retreat when blinded by a flashbang
When you get blinded by a flashbang, it means that the enemy is about to rush. Pull back as best you can (given where you were just before you were blinded); if you can pull back enough, you might widen the distance between you and the advancing enemy enough that your sight returns before they engage you. The worst thing you can do is freeze, or continue your advance. If you are really caught by surprise and know that no friendlies are nearby, sometimes firing blind is the only choice left open to you. You'll probably fall anyway, but maybe you'll manage to hurt one of the advancers so that one of your teammates will have an easier time taking him out later. When blinded, retreat as best you can.
Provide assistance for your teammates
[cs/action/high3] You and your team are in this together; the goal is to help your team win the round, not for you to be on top of the heap. When your teammates call for help, provide assistance. When you hear nearby gunfire, divert to the area to see if you can flank an enemy. You are part of a team; act like it.
Follow your teammates' lead
[cs/action/cover1]In a team-based game, it's important to follow the lead of your teammates that are nearby. If your teammates are waiting in ambush, you should wait in ambush too instead of rushing out and giving their position away. If you're following some people who are clearly trying to be stealthy (by walking instead of running), you should be quiet as well, or otherwise you undo their attempts to not be detected. Even when you're dealing with players who are far less experienced than you, doing things together as a team will benefit your whole team.
When sniping known enemy locations, line up and zoom, and then strafe out of cover
[cs/action/snipe3]When you're sniping, you will frequently find yourself facing off against other players -- possibly also with sniper weapons -- who have either directly spotted you or know the general area in which you're sniping from. When it's snipers vs. snipers, the first to get off the accurate shot wins. When you know the general area of your victims, instead of walking out of cover (where you yourself can be shot), zooming, lining up, and firing, try short-circuiting the process: Instead, when still behind cover, zoom one level and then step out. If you're aiming right, the enemy should be within your line of vision, at which point you can line up, possibly zooming in another level, and finish him off. This can substantially reduce the time you're exposed to enemy fire. Particularly when the other enemy is already out of cover and is waiting for you to pop out again, this can give you a fighting chance.
Always buy defuse kit (Counter-Terrorist)
[cs/equipment/defuse]On bomb/defuse maps, it's in the best interests of the Counter-Terrorists to always buy a defuse kit. In previous versions of Counter-Strike, it was fairly expensive, but in 1.3 and up it is only $200, the cost of a flashbang. You should always go out of your way to pick up defuse kits that are lying on the ground due to fallen comrades, as well. Always get the defuse kit. It's a steal.
Cs Mechanics
Learn to buy your weapons and equipment quickly
[cs/action/spawn1] Time is money, as they say. The faster you can buy your weapons and equipment, the faster you can get out there and get either prepare your assault or mount your defense. Instead of using the mouse to navigate the menus, use keyboard shortcuts, or buy scripts. Buy quickly, start quickly.
Fire automatic weapons in short bursts
[cs/action/fire1]Almost all automatic weapons have massive accuracy penalties for sustained fire. Some weapons, such as the AK47, are almost entirely useless when the trigger is held down, even at short range; some, such as the M4A1, hold up better. The key issue is to fire in short bursts, giving a brief pause between for the accuracy to improve (indicated by the contracting crosshairs). How short a burst you want and how long a delay depends on the weapon: the Colt is sufficient for three-shot bursts with brief delays; the AK warrants two-shot bursts with slightly longer delays. One weapon, the UMP, has almost constant accuracy with sustained fire, but unfortunately does not do much damage. Only hold down the trigger at point-blank range. Fire in brief, short bursts.
Aim at the upper chest
[cs/action/incursion1]Counter-Strike has positional damage; how much damage a hit does depends on where it lands. Maximum, of course, is the head; normal damage is done to the torso, and considerably less damage is done to the extremities. For example, the AWM is normally a one-shot kill weapon, but an AWM hit to the extremities is not fatal. The best place to aim, therefore, is the mid-to-upper chest; hits will tend to land in the nominal area, thus doing reasonable damage. Given that almost all weapons have significant recoil, the tail end of each burst will land higher than the chest, which will result in a better than average number of headshots. Just like in real combat, you want to aim at the trunk.
Switch to knife or pistol for rapid movement
[cs/action/knife1]One's movement speed depends on which weapon is currently readied. Knives and pistols have the least encumbrance; submachine guns have some; rifles have more; and the largest weapons -- the AWM and the Para -- have the most, requiring the holder to move at a slow walk (which has the side benefit of not making much noise). When a player has one of these guns and has to make a quick move, equip your knife or pistol in order to move faster. Switch back to your primary weapon when you reach your destination and continue the fight. Switch to a knife or pistol for fast movement, and then switch back.
Be aware of accuracy problems while moving, on ladders, in water, or in air
[cs/action/ladder3]Learning how to use weapons in Counter-Strike depends most strongly on judging weapon accuracy. All weapons have reduced accuracy when firing -- most players are fully aware of this. But the accuracy problems are not just limited to normal movement. A host of other behaviors can also severely limit accuracy, yet only the more experienced players are aware of it. In particular, when climbing a ladder, one is subject to the same accuracy penalties as when one is moving. If you are climbing a ladder and an enemy is waiting for you at the top, this puts you at a massive disadvantage -- even at very close range, your shots are unlikely to land many hits. The same accuracy penalties are also in place when one is swimming in water (but not when one is merely standing in water), and when one is in the air, such as on a low gravity server. Make sure you know the situations in which accuracy is reduced and you'll be a much better player.
Learn to stop just before firing sniper weapons
[cs/action/snipe4]All weapons have some loss of accuracy when they are fired by a moving shooter. This is especially true of the sniper weapons -- the Scout, AWM, G3, or SG550 -- which are not only less accurate, but in fact nearly useless when fired while moving. The conflict here is that any competent player knows that keeping moving is an important part of play -- particularly when a sniper war is taking place. The solution is to stop moving just a split second before firing; this will allow fully accurate shots even though the shooter was moving just a moment before. Particularly when using cover, this can be very effective -- you can pop out of cover, top, and fire, all within a fraction of a second. Remember: strafe, stop, fire.
Heavily favor armor to weapons when low on funds
[cs/action/cq2]Armor is absolutely essential in a game with even somewhat realistic weapons. Without armor, only a few midsection shots will bring even a completely healthy player down, and without a helmet, any headshot will. (A helmet won't protect from sniper rounds to the head, but something is better than nothing.) When buying at the start of the round, always factor in armor cost when choosing your weapons so that you don't find yourself out of money after you buy your weapons and ammunition. Always buy the armor/helmet combination if you can afford it; it is well worth the extra $350.
Learn to deliver grenades effectively
[cs/action/grenade1]Grenades can be very effective weapons -- they can soften up the enemy for a push, finish off an entrenched and already injured foe, or provide cover where none is available. But to use them, you need to be able to throw them accurately, and know not to try throwing them when you're open to enemy fire. Aim above your target, depending on distance, so that gravity can drop the grenade down into your opponent. Lobbing is the key.
Use say_team/radio/voice chat to coordinate with your teammates
Use radio commands, or -- better still -- voice chat via a good headset to communicate with your teammates. The radio commands -- or in the worst, case just using the say_team command -- can help organize your team, but there's nothing better than being able to talk directly to your teammates and have them be able to talk back. If you're a serious Counter-Strike player, you should have a microphone and have your voice chat subsystem configured. Consider the difference between using the canned "Enemy spotted" radio chatter and simply saying, "One in the building on the left, and one sniping from the roof on the right." Voice chat can easily turn even a group of intermediate players into a well-oiled killing machine.
Use hud_centerid
Enabling hud_centerid prints the identifying string -- the text that identifies the person currently under your crosshairs and indicates whether they're friend or foe -- just under the center of the screen, instead of in the lower-left corner. This is a far better place for it to appear, since the center of the screen is where your eyes will tend to be looking in the first place. This helps avoid excessive unnecessary eye movements -- concentrate on the center of the screen.
Use hud_fastswitch
Enable hud_fastswitch in your client. This will allow you to select weapons without having to hit the trigger in order to select them. Every second counts; having to hit the weapons category key and then the left mouse button takes time, and sometimes it's time that you don't have. Note that hud_fastswitch won't help when you have multiple types of grenades; in those cases you'll have to select the type you want and then hit the trigger to select it. But for all other weapon categories primary, secondary, knife, and bomb (for the Terrorists in a bomb/defuse map) -- this will allow an instance switch. Sometimes a single keystroke or mouse click can mean the difference between life and death.
When climbing ladders, do so quietly
[cs/action/ladder1]Normally, when climbing (or descending) ladders, a fair amount of distinctive noise is made; if you're using this to gain access to an enemy-controlled location, this sound can give you away. You can substantially reduce this noise by holding down the crouch key while moving up or down; this reduces the amount of noise that you make to about half: It's still audible, but it's far less noticeable than the normal volume. Particularly if there is background noise, such as gunfire -- hopefully provided by your teammates -- this can make a stealthy incursion much more possible. Another little-known tweak is that you can turn sideways on the ladder (so you're facing the side) and use the strafe keys to get some added speed when moving on the ladder. For instance, get on the top of the ladder, face off to the left, and then hold down the backward, strafe left, and crouch modifiers; this increases your movement speed substantially without making more noise. Crouch while climbing or descending a ladder; you'll make much less noise.
Use radar to locate both friendlies and hostiles
[cs/hud/radar]Your radar (when enabled on the server) is an absolutely invaluable resource. It locates your teammates relative to you, and even indicates whether they are above or below you, and by how much. Effective use of the radar goes far beyond merely locating your friendlies; coupled with close attention to sounds, you can use a process of elimination to locate the enemy as well. Use of the radar can also help you avoid friendly fire incidents; when you hear someone nearby, you can determine with the radar whether or not they are a friendly or a hostile. Use of the radar coupled with attention to sounds is a powerfully effective combination.
Stay out of water
[cs/action/water2]Water is trouble for three reasons: first, you move more slowly when swimming; second, when swimming, your accuracy is severely reduced; and third, you make considerable noise when entering and exiting a body of water, and even when swimming (bubbling sounds occur occasionally). It's best to avoid water unless you have to, since it will put you at a disadvantage and let your enemies know where you are. Avoid water unless you have no choice.
Don't hop when covered by good snipers
[cs/action/high2]It's common in first person shooter games for players to hop to avoid enemy fire by making themselves a harder target. But when under watch from very good snipers, hopping can in fact be counterproductive. In normal gravity, in the process of jumping, one's path becomes very predictable -- a good sniper will aim at the bottom of the parabola and pick you off as you land on the ground. To counter this, hoppers can perform mid-air maneuvers in order to try to make their paths less predictable, but in general (especially with the anti-hopping measures coming in 1.4) it's best to just avoid hopping when you know you're under close scrutiny from snipers -- it won't help you avoid getting hit. Hopping can help make you harder to hit, but not when your opponents are experienced snipers watching you closely.
Open grates and vents with knives instead of bullets
[cs/action/vent5]When on a map with destructible grates or vents, it's often best to open them with a knife instead of a gunfire. Even the most sturdy vents will fall to a knife thrust (the alternate attack), which is reasonably fast and will make considerably less noise than an (unsilenced) firearm. Particularly when coupled with timing -- open a grating when there is nearby gunfire to cover the sound -- a knife, or at least a silenced USP or Colt, can make an effective tactic for sneaking up on an enemy. A knife thrust (or at least a silenced firearm) is the best way to open a destructible grating or vent.
[cs/action/spawn1] Time is money, as they say. The faster you can buy your weapons and equipment, the faster you can get out there and get either prepare your assault or mount your defense. Instead of using the mouse to navigate the menus, use keyboard shortcuts, or buy scripts. Buy quickly, start quickly.
Fire automatic weapons in short bursts
[cs/action/fire1]Almost all automatic weapons have massive accuracy penalties for sustained fire. Some weapons, such as the AK47, are almost entirely useless when the trigger is held down, even at short range; some, such as the M4A1, hold up better. The key issue is to fire in short bursts, giving a brief pause between for the accuracy to improve (indicated by the contracting crosshairs). How short a burst you want and how long a delay depends on the weapon: the Colt is sufficient for three-shot bursts with brief delays; the AK warrants two-shot bursts with slightly longer delays. One weapon, the UMP, has almost constant accuracy with sustained fire, but unfortunately does not do much damage. Only hold down the trigger at point-blank range. Fire in brief, short bursts.
Aim at the upper chest
[cs/action/incursion1]Counter-Strike has positional damage; how much damage a hit does depends on where it lands. Maximum, of course, is the head; normal damage is done to the torso, and considerably less damage is done to the extremities. For example, the AWM is normally a one-shot kill weapon, but an AWM hit to the extremities is not fatal. The best place to aim, therefore, is the mid-to-upper chest; hits will tend to land in the nominal area, thus doing reasonable damage. Given that almost all weapons have significant recoil, the tail end of each burst will land higher than the chest, which will result in a better than average number of headshots. Just like in real combat, you want to aim at the trunk.
Switch to knife or pistol for rapid movement
[cs/action/knife1]One's movement speed depends on which weapon is currently readied. Knives and pistols have the least encumbrance; submachine guns have some; rifles have more; and the largest weapons -- the AWM and the Para -- have the most, requiring the holder to move at a slow walk (which has the side benefit of not making much noise). When a player has one of these guns and has to make a quick move, equip your knife or pistol in order to move faster. Switch back to your primary weapon when you reach your destination and continue the fight. Switch to a knife or pistol for fast movement, and then switch back.
Be aware of accuracy problems while moving, on ladders, in water, or in air
[cs/action/ladder3]Learning how to use weapons in Counter-Strike depends most strongly on judging weapon accuracy. All weapons have reduced accuracy when firing -- most players are fully aware of this. But the accuracy problems are not just limited to normal movement. A host of other behaviors can also severely limit accuracy, yet only the more experienced players are aware of it. In particular, when climbing a ladder, one is subject to the same accuracy penalties as when one is moving. If you are climbing a ladder and an enemy is waiting for you at the top, this puts you at a massive disadvantage -- even at very close range, your shots are unlikely to land many hits. The same accuracy penalties are also in place when one is swimming in water (but not when one is merely standing in water), and when one is in the air, such as on a low gravity server. Make sure you know the situations in which accuracy is reduced and you'll be a much better player.
Learn to stop just before firing sniper weapons
[cs/action/snipe4]All weapons have some loss of accuracy when they are fired by a moving shooter. This is especially true of the sniper weapons -- the Scout, AWM, G3, or SG550 -- which are not only less accurate, but in fact nearly useless when fired while moving. The conflict here is that any competent player knows that keeping moving is an important part of play -- particularly when a sniper war is taking place. The solution is to stop moving just a split second before firing; this will allow fully accurate shots even though the shooter was moving just a moment before. Particularly when using cover, this can be very effective -- you can pop out of cover, top, and fire, all within a fraction of a second. Remember: strafe, stop, fire.
Heavily favor armor to weapons when low on funds
[cs/action/cq2]Armor is absolutely essential in a game with even somewhat realistic weapons. Without armor, only a few midsection shots will bring even a completely healthy player down, and without a helmet, any headshot will. (A helmet won't protect from sniper rounds to the head, but something is better than nothing.) When buying at the start of the round, always factor in armor cost when choosing your weapons so that you don't find yourself out of money after you buy your weapons and ammunition. Always buy the armor/helmet combination if you can afford it; it is well worth the extra $350.
Learn to deliver grenades effectively
[cs/action/grenade1]Grenades can be very effective weapons -- they can soften up the enemy for a push, finish off an entrenched and already injured foe, or provide cover where none is available. But to use them, you need to be able to throw them accurately, and know not to try throwing them when you're open to enemy fire. Aim above your target, depending on distance, so that gravity can drop the grenade down into your opponent. Lobbing is the key.
Use say_team/radio/voice chat to coordinate with your teammates
Use radio commands, or -- better still -- voice chat via a good headset to communicate with your teammates. The radio commands -- or in the worst, case just using the say_team command -- can help organize your team, but there's nothing better than being able to talk directly to your teammates and have them be able to talk back. If you're a serious Counter-Strike player, you should have a microphone and have your voice chat subsystem configured. Consider the difference between using the canned "Enemy spotted" radio chatter and simply saying, "One in the building on the left, and one sniping from the roof on the right." Voice chat can easily turn even a group of intermediate players into a well-oiled killing machine.
Use hud_centerid
Enabling hud_centerid prints the identifying string -- the text that identifies the person currently under your crosshairs and indicates whether they're friend or foe -- just under the center of the screen, instead of in the lower-left corner. This is a far better place for it to appear, since the center of the screen is where your eyes will tend to be looking in the first place. This helps avoid excessive unnecessary eye movements -- concentrate on the center of the screen.
Use hud_fastswitch
Enable hud_fastswitch in your client. This will allow you to select weapons without having to hit the trigger in order to select them. Every second counts; having to hit the weapons category key and then the left mouse button takes time, and sometimes it's time that you don't have. Note that hud_fastswitch won't help when you have multiple types of grenades; in those cases you'll have to select the type you want and then hit the trigger to select it. But for all other weapon categories primary, secondary, knife, and bomb (for the Terrorists in a bomb/defuse map) -- this will allow an instance switch. Sometimes a single keystroke or mouse click can mean the difference between life and death.
When climbing ladders, do so quietly
[cs/action/ladder1]Normally, when climbing (or descending) ladders, a fair amount of distinctive noise is made; if you're using this to gain access to an enemy-controlled location, this sound can give you away. You can substantially reduce this noise by holding down the crouch key while moving up or down; this reduces the amount of noise that you make to about half: It's still audible, but it's far less noticeable than the normal volume. Particularly if there is background noise, such as gunfire -- hopefully provided by your teammates -- this can make a stealthy incursion much more possible. Another little-known tweak is that you can turn sideways on the ladder (so you're facing the side) and use the strafe keys to get some added speed when moving on the ladder. For instance, get on the top of the ladder, face off to the left, and then hold down the backward, strafe left, and crouch modifiers; this increases your movement speed substantially without making more noise. Crouch while climbing or descending a ladder; you'll make much less noise.
Use radar to locate both friendlies and hostiles
[cs/hud/radar]Your radar (when enabled on the server) is an absolutely invaluable resource. It locates your teammates relative to you, and even indicates whether they are above or below you, and by how much. Effective use of the radar goes far beyond merely locating your friendlies; coupled with close attention to sounds, you can use a process of elimination to locate the enemy as well. Use of the radar can also help you avoid friendly fire incidents; when you hear someone nearby, you can determine with the radar whether or not they are a friendly or a hostile. Use of the radar coupled with attention to sounds is a powerfully effective combination.
Stay out of water
[cs/action/water2]Water is trouble for three reasons: first, you move more slowly when swimming; second, when swimming, your accuracy is severely reduced; and third, you make considerable noise when entering and exiting a body of water, and even when swimming (bubbling sounds occur occasionally). It's best to avoid water unless you have to, since it will put you at a disadvantage and let your enemies know where you are. Avoid water unless you have no choice.
Don't hop when covered by good snipers
[cs/action/high2]It's common in first person shooter games for players to hop to avoid enemy fire by making themselves a harder target. But when under watch from very good snipers, hopping can in fact be counterproductive. In normal gravity, in the process of jumping, one's path becomes very predictable -- a good sniper will aim at the bottom of the parabola and pick you off as you land on the ground. To counter this, hoppers can perform mid-air maneuvers in order to try to make their paths less predictable, but in general (especially with the anti-hopping measures coming in 1.4) it's best to just avoid hopping when you know you're under close scrutiny from snipers -- it won't help you avoid getting hit. Hopping can help make you harder to hit, but not when your opponents are experienced snipers watching you closely.
Open grates and vents with knives instead of bullets
[cs/action/vent5]When on a map with destructible grates or vents, it's often best to open them with a knife instead of a gunfire. Even the most sturdy vents will fall to a knife thrust (the alternate attack), which is reasonably fast and will make considerably less noise than an (unsilenced) firearm. Particularly when coupled with timing -- open a grating when there is nearby gunfire to cover the sound -- a knife, or at least a silenced USP or Colt, can make an effective tactic for sneaking up on an enemy. A knife thrust (or at least a silenced firearm) is the best way to open a destructible grating or vent.
Cs Standard Map
de_aztec: Aztec
[cs/maps/de_aztec] A fairly large level, with a bomb site located at the Counter-Terrorist spawn point. There are numerous rooms separated by doorways, and the outside area which has two levels: the top area where the players start and a lower area with a green aqueduct. Also of particular note is lightning bolts that occasionally strike the bomb site; these will instantly kill anyone standing at that location.
de_chateau: Chateau
[cs/maps/de_chateau] Introduced in 1.4. A medium sized map.
de_cbble: Cobble
[cs/maps/de_cbble]Cobble is a rather large map, with numerous open areas connected by shallow buildings. The area is highly interconnected, and there are even a few sniping points inside some of the buildings. Of particular note is the final push toward the bomb site, where the main push is through a low area underneath a building and through some conspicuous doors.
de_dust: Dust
[cs/maps/de_dust]This is a relatively simple map: There are two bomb sites that the Counter-Terrorists must defend; one is at the spawn point, and the other is straight ahead and through a door on the right. Terrorists start on the opposite side of the map; the main area of contention is the middle building that the Terrorists must penetrate to reach the two bomb sites directly. There is also another option for the Terrorists: they can go around the back and under an overhang and end up to the left of where the Counter-Terrorists first spawn. There is also a side passage around the left of the Counter-Terrorist spawn will provide cover for this alternate entryway.
de_dust2: Dust II
[cs/maps/de_dust2] Introduced in 1.3. This map is in effect a larger version of Dust, but it lacks a totally similar layout. It is larger, and more highly interconnected, than its inspiration, although it looks very much the same. As with Dust, there are two bomb sites, each flanking the Counter-Terrorist spawn.
de_foption: Final Option
[cs/maps/de_foption]The centerpiece of this map is a missile preparing for launch, where the bomb site is located. Counter-Terrorist start outside a round door near the missile silo, and must stop the Terrorists, who start on the other side of the launch bay.
de_inferno: Inferno
[cs/maps/de_inferno]Counter-Terrorists have to defend two bomb sites, one to the left and one to the right. Terrorists have to approach the Counter-Terrorists via three main areas: up the middle, where most of the conflicts take place; around the left side, which leads to the left bomb site; and to the right, which reconnects back with the middle path but only after coming under fire from a Counter-Terrorist sniping point inside a building.
de_nuke: Nuke
[cs/maps/de_nuke]Consisting of an open area punctuated with buildings, there are two bomb sites on this map: One in each of two buildings (and one of those underground). Both teams can exploit substantial cover; Counter-Terrorists have several sniping areas on the top floor or roofs of buildings to take advantage of. The underground bomb site also affords the Counter-Terrorists sniping areas directly above.
de_piranesi: Piranesi
[cs/maps/de_piranesi] Introduced in 1.5. A fairly large map, located in a museum. The bomb site is near the orrery.
de_prodigy: Prodigy
[cs/maps/de_prodigy]A large map, with two bomb sites: One right at the Counter-Terrorist spawn point, in a side room, and the other in a computer area on the other side of the complex. Terrorists have two main approaches: around a dam, or through an enclosed area and some doors; enemy contact usually takes place at one or both of these areas, roughly simultaneously. There is also some ductwork that the Counter-Terrorists can exploit which their spawn point (via a ladder) to the dam area and the computer room.
de_rotterdam: Rotterdam Docks
[cs/maps/de_rotterdam] Introduced in 1.3. An assault on an industrial train terminal at night. There are two main levels: high and low, affording numerous points for sniping and setting up a crossfire.
de_storm: Storm
[cs/maps/de_storm] Introduced in 1.3. This map has three large areas, highly interconnected by passages. There are two bomb sites -- one located at the Counter-Terrorist spawn, and the other below. The Terrorists start on the other side of the map, roughly equidistant from both sites.
de_train: Trainyard
[cs/maps/de_train]There are two areas with trains; in each there is one bomb site. Counter-Terrorist start in the far one, and Terrorists start outside the warehouse. Terrorists can either make their way through the middle (open) train area to the first bomb site, or sidestep it via the warehouse to reach the further bomb site.
de_vegas: Vegas
[cs/maps/de_vegas]This is a large map, with two bomb sites -- one in an open courtyard area in an Egyptian statue, and the other inside a money-counting room inside the building. Counter-Terrorists start near the first bomb site; Terrorists start on the roof of the building, and can either make their way down and through a side passage to reach the first bomb site via high level (there is a catwalk they must traverse and be exposed), or directly through the main complex to reach the second bomb site (a passage also continues from there on to the first).
de_vertigo: Vertigo
[cs/maps/de_vertigo]A small, bilevel map, set on the top levels of a skyscraper still under construction. The main area where conflicts usually occur is a wide expanse which connects the two levels with a ramp.
de_aztec: Aztec
[cs/maps/de_aztec] A fairly large level, with a bomb site located at the Counter-Terrorist spawn point. There are numerous rooms separated by doorways, and the outside area which has two levels: the top area where the players start and a lower area with a green aqueduct. Also of particular note is lightning bolts that occasionally strike the bomb site; these will instantly kill anyone standing at that location.
de_chateau: Chateau
[cs/maps/de_chateau] Introduced in 1.4. A medium sized map.
de_cbble: Cobble
[cs/maps/de_cbble]Cobble is a rather large map, with numerous open areas connected by shallow buildings. The area is highly interconnected, and there are even a few sniping points inside some of the buildings. Of particular note is the final push toward the bomb site, where the main push is through a low area underneath a building and through some conspicuous doors.
de_dust: Dust
[cs/maps/de_dust]This is a relatively simple map: There are two bomb sites that the Counter-Terrorists must defend; one is at the spawn point, and the other is straight ahead and through a door on the right. Terrorists start on the opposite side of the map; the main area of contention is the middle building that the Terrorists must penetrate to reach the two bomb sites directly. There is also another option for the Terrorists: they can go around the back and under an overhang and end up to the left of where the Counter-Terrorists first spawn. There is also a side passage around the left of the Counter-Terrorist spawn will provide cover for this alternate entryway.
de_dust2: Dust II
[cs/maps/de_dust2] Introduced in 1.3. This map is in effect a larger version of Dust, but it lacks a totally similar layout. It is larger, and more highly interconnected, than its inspiration, although it looks very much the same. As with Dust, there are two bomb sites, each flanking the Counter-Terrorist spawn.
de_foption: Final Option
[cs/maps/de_foption]The centerpiece of this map is a missile preparing for launch, where the bomb site is located. Counter-Terrorist start outside a round door near the missile silo, and must stop the Terrorists, who start on the other side of the launch bay.
de_inferno: Inferno
[cs/maps/de_inferno]Counter-Terrorists have to defend two bomb sites, one to the left and one to the right. Terrorists have to approach the Counter-Terrorists via three main areas: up the middle, where most of the conflicts take place; around the left side, which leads to the left bomb site; and to the right, which reconnects back with the middle path but only after coming under fire from a Counter-Terrorist sniping point inside a building.
de_nuke: Nuke
[cs/maps/de_nuke]Consisting of an open area punctuated with buildings, there are two bomb sites on this map: One in each of two buildings (and one of those underground). Both teams can exploit substantial cover; Counter-Terrorists have several sniping areas on the top floor or roofs of buildings to take advantage of. The underground bomb site also affords the Counter-Terrorists sniping areas directly above.
de_piranesi: Piranesi
[cs/maps/de_piranesi] Introduced in 1.5. A fairly large map, located in a museum. The bomb site is near the orrery.
de_prodigy: Prodigy
[cs/maps/de_prodigy]A large map, with two bomb sites: One right at the Counter-Terrorist spawn point, in a side room, and the other in a computer area on the other side of the complex. Terrorists have two main approaches: around a dam, or through an enclosed area and some doors; enemy contact usually takes place at one or both of these areas, roughly simultaneously. There is also some ductwork that the Counter-Terrorists can exploit which their spawn point (via a ladder) to the dam area and the computer room.
de_rotterdam: Rotterdam Docks
[cs/maps/de_rotterdam] Introduced in 1.3. An assault on an industrial train terminal at night. There are two main levels: high and low, affording numerous points for sniping and setting up a crossfire.
de_storm: Storm
[cs/maps/de_storm] Introduced in 1.3. This map has three large areas, highly interconnected by passages. There are two bomb sites -- one located at the Counter-Terrorist spawn, and the other below. The Terrorists start on the other side of the map, roughly equidistant from both sites.
de_train: Trainyard
[cs/maps/de_train]There are two areas with trains; in each there is one bomb site. Counter-Terrorist start in the far one, and Terrorists start outside the warehouse. Terrorists can either make their way through the middle (open) train area to the first bomb site, or sidestep it via the warehouse to reach the further bomb site.
de_vegas: Vegas
[cs/maps/de_vegas]This is a large map, with two bomb sites -- one in an open courtyard area in an Egyptian statue, and the other inside a money-counting room inside the building. Counter-Terrorists start near the first bomb site; Terrorists start on the roof of the building, and can either make their way down and through a side passage to reach the first bomb site via high level (there is a catwalk they must traverse and be exposed), or directly through the main complex to reach the second bomb site (a passage also continues from there on to the first).
de_vertigo: Vertigo
[cs/maps/de_vertigo]A small, bilevel map, set on the top levels of a skyscraper still under construction. The main area where conflicts usually occur is a wide expanse which connects the two levels with a ramp.
Cs Standard Map
Hostage rescue
cs_747: 474 Hijack
[cs/maps/cs_747] This centers around a landed airplane where hostages have been taken. Counter-Terrorists start out in the airport terminal; Terrorists start out in the plane itself. Hostages are in the middle cabin, the rear of the plane, and in the cockpit (upstairs). Counter-Terrorists can make entry either through the terminal passage at the fore of the plane, or via the cargo and avionics area underneath, or through the cockpit (by shattering the glass).
cs_assault: Assault
[cs/maps/cs_assault]This is one of the most popular maps; it is small and simple, but very entertaining. Counter-Terrorists start outside of a house; Terrorist start inside, and four hostages are located behind some doors on the upper level. Counter-Terrorists can make their way into the building either via the vent on the roof, through the main entryway, or through a side door.
cs_arabstreets: Arab Streets
[cs/maps/cs_arabstreets] Introduced in 1.3. The Terrorists are holding some hostages in a chemical plant in a small Arabian town; the plant can be breached through a window, a door, and a warehouse garage entryway. The Counter-Terrorists start on the other side of the map, near a small trough.
cs_backalley: Alleyway
[cs/maps/cs_backalley]This map is a maze of alleyways and passages through shallow buildings. The Terrorists hold the hostages on the upper levels of the far building; the Counter-Terrorists must make their way there. There are several balconies and alleys involved, and numerous positions where crossfires can occur.
cs_estate: Zaphod's Estate
[cs/maps/cs_estate]This is your basic assault on a building; the Counter-Terrorists start outside, beyond a short wall; the Terrorists are holed up inside the building, guarding the hostages (on the second floor and in the basement). There are several means of entry into the building: the main door (which is easily defended from the second floor in the foyer), first-floor windows on the side and back, and a second-floor entry reached by a ladder. Finally, there is an underground passage, leading from the right side of the Counter-Terrorist spawn point, through some under construction area, ultimately into the basement of the building (where a few hostages are located).
cs_havana: Havana
[cs/maps/cs_havana] Introduced in 1.4. An indoor map with hostages located near a window.
cs_italy: Italy
[cs/maps/cs_italy]Terrorists start with the hostages in a small building; Counter-Terrorists start at the far end of the map. There are three main ways to the map: the direct route, through a tunnel with obvious sniper potential for the Terrorists; a side route that involves jumping on boxes and walking through the buildings to emerge on the upper level around the corner from the Terrorist building; and finally, the low route which involves bypassing the tunnel to use a staircase to the right of the tunnel, also covered by snipers within the building.
cs_militia: Militia
[cs/maps/cs_militia]Terrorist start in a building with the hostages downstairs in the garage; Counter-Terrorists start in an alcove on the opposite side. This map is relatively small, but is well-connected: A sewer system connects the entire map both above and below. Counter-Terrorists can make their way toward the building either via the front entrance which is covered by windows, or via the rear entrance through the tunnels (there are two exit points on the opposite side of the building), which is covered by the roof.
cs_office: Office Complex
[cs/maps/cs_office]Terrorists start in the back office with the hostages; Counter-Terrorists can breach the office either by a window or a nearby door and staircase, or by a window a little further down, or by a large window in the back by making their way around the side of the building.
cs_siege: Canyon Siege
[cs/maps/cs_siege]Terrorists have the hostages contained within a complex with automatic doors. Counter-Terrorists start at the end of a long canyon which, on approach to the complex, makes them easy pickings for sniper fire. Also included from the Counter-Terrorist spawn point is a walkway down into the canyon where they can follow a passage that leads to an elevator to an intermediate building in the main walkway; a sewer passage also connects the garage of the complex to this building.
cs_thunder: Thunder
[cs/maps/cs_thunder] Introduced in 1.3. Terrorists starts in the heart of the complex with a T-shaped structure with hostages; Counter-Terrorists start on the far side of the complex with two main avenues of approach: a direct passage that splits in two and rejoins just before the main entry directly across from the hostages, and a side, two-level passage that goes over a dam to come around the back side of the Terrorists' area. The Terrorists have a staircase and a high ground that winds around eventually connects with the dam area; in addition there is ductwork that can be traversed from the heart of the Terrorists' den to the upper dam area. A little known fact is that the monitors on the T-shaped structure work; walk up to them and use them.
cs_747: 474 Hijack
[cs/maps/cs_747] This centers around a landed airplane where hostages have been taken. Counter-Terrorists start out in the airport terminal; Terrorists start out in the plane itself. Hostages are in the middle cabin, the rear of the plane, and in the cockpit (upstairs). Counter-Terrorists can make entry either through the terminal passage at the fore of the plane, or via the cargo and avionics area underneath, or through the cockpit (by shattering the glass).
cs_assault: Assault
[cs/maps/cs_assault]This is one of the most popular maps; it is small and simple, but very entertaining. Counter-Terrorists start outside of a house; Terrorist start inside, and four hostages are located behind some doors on the upper level. Counter-Terrorists can make their way into the building either via the vent on the roof, through the main entryway, or through a side door.
cs_arabstreets: Arab Streets
[cs/maps/cs_arabstreets] Introduced in 1.3. The Terrorists are holding some hostages in a chemical plant in a small Arabian town; the plant can be breached through a window, a door, and a warehouse garage entryway. The Counter-Terrorists start on the other side of the map, near a small trough.
cs_backalley: Alleyway
[cs/maps/cs_backalley]This map is a maze of alleyways and passages through shallow buildings. The Terrorists hold the hostages on the upper levels of the far building; the Counter-Terrorists must make their way there. There are several balconies and alleys involved, and numerous positions where crossfires can occur.
cs_estate: Zaphod's Estate
[cs/maps/cs_estate]This is your basic assault on a building; the Counter-Terrorists start outside, beyond a short wall; the Terrorists are holed up inside the building, guarding the hostages (on the second floor and in the basement). There are several means of entry into the building: the main door (which is easily defended from the second floor in the foyer), first-floor windows on the side and back, and a second-floor entry reached by a ladder. Finally, there is an underground passage, leading from the right side of the Counter-Terrorist spawn point, through some under construction area, ultimately into the basement of the building (where a few hostages are located).
cs_havana: Havana
[cs/maps/cs_havana] Introduced in 1.4. An indoor map with hostages located near a window.
cs_italy: Italy
[cs/maps/cs_italy]Terrorists start with the hostages in a small building; Counter-Terrorists start at the far end of the map. There are three main ways to the map: the direct route, through a tunnel with obvious sniper potential for the Terrorists; a side route that involves jumping on boxes and walking through the buildings to emerge on the upper level around the corner from the Terrorist building; and finally, the low route which involves bypassing the tunnel to use a staircase to the right of the tunnel, also covered by snipers within the building.
cs_militia: Militia
[cs/maps/cs_militia]Terrorist start in a building with the hostages downstairs in the garage; Counter-Terrorists start in an alcove on the opposite side. This map is relatively small, but is well-connected: A sewer system connects the entire map both above and below. Counter-Terrorists can make their way toward the building either via the front entrance which is covered by windows, or via the rear entrance through the tunnels (there are two exit points on the opposite side of the building), which is covered by the roof.
cs_office: Office Complex
[cs/maps/cs_office]Terrorists start in the back office with the hostages; Counter-Terrorists can breach the office either by a window or a nearby door and staircase, or by a window a little further down, or by a large window in the back by making their way around the side of the building.
cs_siege: Canyon Siege
[cs/maps/cs_siege]Terrorists have the hostages contained within a complex with automatic doors. Counter-Terrorists start at the end of a long canyon which, on approach to the complex, makes them easy pickings for sniper fire. Also included from the Counter-Terrorist spawn point is a walkway down into the canyon where they can follow a passage that leads to an elevator to an intermediate building in the main walkway; a sewer passage also connects the garage of the complex to this building.
cs_thunder: Thunder
[cs/maps/cs_thunder] Introduced in 1.3. Terrorists starts in the heart of the complex with a T-shaped structure with hostages; Counter-Terrorists start on the far side of the complex with two main avenues of approach: a direct passage that splits in two and rejoins just before the main entry directly across from the hostages, and a side, two-level passage that goes over a dam to come around the back side of the Terrorists' area. The Terrorists have a staircase and a high ground that winds around eventually connects with the dam area; in addition there is ductwork that can be traversed from the heart of the Terrorists' den to the upper dam area. A little known fact is that the monitors on the T-shaped structure work; walk up to them and use them.
Cs Standard Map
as_highrise: High Rise
[cs/maps/as_highrise] The rescue point is on the roof on a helicopter pad. Counter-Terrorists (and the VIP) start deep inside the building. They can exit to the roof either via a well-covered staircase, via a passage between two buildings, or by climbing ropes to the top of a glass ceiling. Terrorists have several vantage points from which to snipe the escaping Counter-Terrorists.
as_oilrig: Oilrig
[cs/maps/as_oilrig]Counter-Terrorists start deep inside the oilrig; the Terrorists start on the upper layers, and the rescue point is a helipad with a waiting chopper. There are two main ways up through the maze of tunnels underneath; one involves a catwalk, and the other involves a staircase on roughly opposite sides of the oilrig. The Terrorists have numerous vantage points, including a high sniper area with full sight of the rescue point.
as_tundra: Tundra
[cs/maps/as_tundra]A relatively large area divided roughly into three areas -- the Terrorist spawn point with a base and the rescue points, the Counter-Terrorist spawn point with a solitary building, and a middle area with a building. There are two rescue points: one by a helipad and the other is an APC in front of the Terrorist spawn point building. In addition to the basic left-right passages, there is an also underground passage that is interconnected throughout all three areas. The helipad rescue point is accessible via the low ground and the tunnel; the APC point is accessible via low ground and a high ground, a small ramp next to the middle building.
as_highrise: High Rise
[cs/maps/as_highrise] The rescue point is on the roof on a helicopter pad. Counter-Terrorists (and the VIP) start deep inside the building. They can exit to the roof either via a well-covered staircase, via a passage between two buildings, or by climbing ropes to the top of a glass ceiling. Terrorists have several vantage points from which to snipe the escaping Counter-Terrorists.
as_oilrig: Oilrig
[cs/maps/as_oilrig]Counter-Terrorists start deep inside the oilrig; the Terrorists start on the upper layers, and the rescue point is a helipad with a waiting chopper. There are two main ways up through the maze of tunnels underneath; one involves a catwalk, and the other involves a staircase on roughly opposite sides of the oilrig. The Terrorists have numerous vantage points, including a high sniper area with full sight of the rescue point.
as_tundra: Tundra
[cs/maps/as_tundra]A relatively large area divided roughly into three areas -- the Terrorist spawn point with a base and the rescue points, the Counter-Terrorist spawn point with a solitary building, and a middle area with a building. There are two rescue points: one by a helipad and the other is an APC in front of the Terrorist spawn point building. In addition to the basic left-right passages, there is an also underground passage that is interconnected throughout all three areas. The helipad rescue point is accessible via the low ground and the tunnel; the APC point is accessible via low ground and a high ground, a small ramp next to the middle building.
Cs Equipment
vest: Kelvar vest
[cs/hud/kevlar] $650. As in most first person shooters, armor is essential to Counter-Strike. Especially in Counter-Strike, you might say, since with fairly realistic weapons and damage, only a few hits on an unarmored target will bring him down. Only buy the Kevlar-only option if you can't afford the Kevlar-helmet combination.
vesthelm: Kevlar vest and helmet
[cs/hud/kevlarhelmet] $1000. As with normal Kevlar, but also including a helmet, which will stop one round (with a horrible clank sound and a severe distortion of view for a few moments) which would have otherwise hit the head; any unprotected headshot is fatal. Armor-piercing rounds, such as that from the AWM, will still land a kill on a helmeted head, but you can't beat an extra shot at life. Don't leave home without it.
flash: Flashbang grenade
[cs/equipment/flashbang] $200; 2 maximum. When the flashbang grenade detonates in line of sight of a player -- any player, include your own team -- the player takes no damage but his view is completely whited out. The view slowly clears; the time it takes to clear depends on the distance the grenade detonated from the victim -- the closer it went off, the longer it takes. Flashbangs are perfect to soften up the enemy just before a rush.
hegren: High-explosive grenade
[cs/equipment/he] $300; 1 maximum. High-explosive grenades to significant damage, although not enough to kill an armored target outright. Normal grenades are ideal for softening up an enemy, flushing out a camper, or finishing off a wounded, pinned-down enemy.
sgren: Smoke grenade
[cs/equipment/smoke] $300; 1 maximum. Smoke grenades billow out smoke for a brief period of time. This can be used to provide cover where cover is not available. The billowing of smoke progresses around the grenade, so the cover it provides is not always total. When cover isn't available, smoke grenades can help.
defuser: Defuse kit (Counter-Terrorist)
[cs/equipment/defuse] $200. This device can help Counter-Terrorists defuse the bomb twice as fast on bomb/defuse maps. It is relatively cheap so it's a good idea to pick it up if you're a Counter-Terrorist. When a player who has purchased one is killed, the defuse kit falls to the ground (it appears as some belt pouches) and can be picked up by other Counter-Terrorists who do not already have it. You'll appreciate it when you're pressed for time.
nvgs: Night vision goggles
[cs/hud/nightvision] $1250. Night vision goggles allow the wearer to see in total darkness. Activating and deactivating the goggles makes a distinctive noise that can be heard by nearby enemies, so beware. In normal light, however, everything is washed out and it can be hard to see. It's expensive, but quite valuable on the particularly dark maps.
shield: Riot shield (Counter-Terrorists)
[cs/equipment/shield] $2200. The riot shield prevents you from holding a primary weapon, but while having it equipped you can alternate between using it as a shield and poking your secondary pistol or grenades you are about to throw out to the side. The shield, while used to block incoming fire, deflects all rounds; while used, though you cannot return fire. The riot shield can come in handy when you're mainly facing off against the enemy in one area and letting them waste their shots at a target while they get flanked, but its tremendous expense limits its usefulness.
Bomb (Terrorist)
[cs/equipment/bomb]On bomb/defuse maps, one Terrorist starts with the bomb (which appears as a backpack on his model). That Terrorist must bring the bomb to a bomb site (there may be more than one on a given map), plant it, and ensure that it detonates properly. The bomb can be dropped (either deliberately or by its carrier getting killed) and picked up by another teammate; Counter-Terrorists cannot retrieve the bomb (although they can of course guard it). When you spawn with the bomb, you should consider it your primary purpose in life to see that it goes off.
[cs/hud/kevlar] $650. As in most first person shooters, armor is essential to Counter-Strike. Especially in Counter-Strike, you might say, since with fairly realistic weapons and damage, only a few hits on an unarmored target will bring him down. Only buy the Kevlar-only option if you can't afford the Kevlar-helmet combination.
vesthelm: Kevlar vest and helmet
[cs/hud/kevlarhelmet] $1000. As with normal Kevlar, but also including a helmet, which will stop one round (with a horrible clank sound and a severe distortion of view for a few moments) which would have otherwise hit the head; any unprotected headshot is fatal. Armor-piercing rounds, such as that from the AWM, will still land a kill on a helmeted head, but you can't beat an extra shot at life. Don't leave home without it.
flash: Flashbang grenade
[cs/equipment/flashbang] $200; 2 maximum. When the flashbang grenade detonates in line of sight of a player -- any player, include your own team -- the player takes no damage but his view is completely whited out. The view slowly clears; the time it takes to clear depends on the distance the grenade detonated from the victim -- the closer it went off, the longer it takes. Flashbangs are perfect to soften up the enemy just before a rush.
hegren: High-explosive grenade
[cs/equipment/he] $300; 1 maximum. High-explosive grenades to significant damage, although not enough to kill an armored target outright. Normal grenades are ideal for softening up an enemy, flushing out a camper, or finishing off a wounded, pinned-down enemy.
sgren: Smoke grenade
[cs/equipment/smoke] $300; 1 maximum. Smoke grenades billow out smoke for a brief period of time. This can be used to provide cover where cover is not available. The billowing of smoke progresses around the grenade, so the cover it provides is not always total. When cover isn't available, smoke grenades can help.
defuser: Defuse kit (Counter-Terrorist)
[cs/equipment/defuse] $200. This device can help Counter-Terrorists defuse the bomb twice as fast on bomb/defuse maps. It is relatively cheap so it's a good idea to pick it up if you're a Counter-Terrorist. When a player who has purchased one is killed, the defuse kit falls to the ground (it appears as some belt pouches) and can be picked up by other Counter-Terrorists who do not already have it. You'll appreciate it when you're pressed for time.
nvgs: Night vision goggles
[cs/hud/nightvision] $1250. Night vision goggles allow the wearer to see in total darkness. Activating and deactivating the goggles makes a distinctive noise that can be heard by nearby enemies, so beware. In normal light, however, everything is washed out and it can be hard to see. It's expensive, but quite valuable on the particularly dark maps.
shield: Riot shield (Counter-Terrorists)
[cs/equipment/shield] $2200. The riot shield prevents you from holding a primary weapon, but while having it equipped you can alternate between using it as a shield and poking your secondary pistol or grenades you are about to throw out to the side. The shield, while used to block incoming fire, deflects all rounds; while used, though you cannot return fire. The riot shield can come in handy when you're mainly facing off against the enemy in one area and letting them waste their shots at a target while they get flanked, but its tremendous expense limits its usefulness.
Bomb (Terrorist)
[cs/equipment/bomb]On bomb/defuse maps, one Terrorist starts with the bomb (which appears as a backpack on his model). That Terrorist must bring the bomb to a bomb site (there may be more than one on a given map), plant it, and ensure that it detonates properly. The bomb can be dropped (either deliberately or by its carrier getting killed) and picked up by another teammate; Counter-Terrorists cannot retrieve the bomb (although they can of course guard it). When you spawn with the bomb, you should consider it your primary purpose in life to see that it goes off.
Cs Weapons
Knowing your weapons is probably the most essential part of Counter-Strike. Weapons have different rates of fire, different accuracies, and different magazine capacities. Most weapons have a primary usage mode, and an alternate fire method. Different weapons also encumber your movement to different extents; for instance, a heavy sniper rifle will make you move effectively at the speed of a walk, whereas a knife or pistol will give you the fastest movement. When the magazine is empty, weapons must be reloaded, requiring a certain period of time which is different for each weapon; while reloading, the player is vulnerable to attack, although he can switch a sidearm if available.
Most weapons lose accuracy when fired when fired continuously or when the shooter is moving; knowing the abilities of your firearm is essential to being a competent Counter-Strike player.
When two codes are given, the one on the left is the one used by the mod version of the game and the one on the right is that used by the retail version. In 1.6 most of the gun names changed; when a gun is still commonly known by its original name, its original name is included in parentheses.
Melee weapons
knife: Knife
[cs/weapons/knife]The knife is your standard close quarters knife. It is mostly used as a humiliation weapon by sneaking up on your enemies and knifing them from behind. In its standard usage, it has a slashing attack, and in the alternate attack it has a thrusting type of motion. The slashing attack does less damage, but also can be used more frequently. The knife can also be used to open vents and other breakable objects. Unless you're out to embarrass your opponent, the knife is not very useful, with one exception: It can be a relatively low-noise option for opening vents.
usp/mk45: KM .45 Tactical (USP)
[cs/weapons/usp] $500; 12 rounds per clip, $50 per clip, 48 rounds total. Initial Terrorist weapon.The USP is the initial Counter-Terrorist weapon (the cost applies to the Terrorists); all Counter-Terrorists start with it. It is arguably the most accurate pistol in the game, which makes it even more surprising that the Counter-Terrorists begin with it. It delivers moderate damage and has a reasonably high rate of fire, and so is a very competent weapon. The alternate fire switches back and forth between silenced and unsilenced modes. The USP is a fine sidearm for a Counter-Terrorist with an assault rifle, or a Terrorist strapped for cash.
glock18/9x19mm: 9x19 mm Sidearm (Glock)
[cs/weapons/glock18] $400; 20 rounds per clip, $20 per clip, 90 rounds total. Initial Terrorist weapon.The Glock is the standard Terrorist weapon. It has a reasonable rate of fire and a high magazine capacity, and in recent versions the damage has been increased to make it comparable with the USP as a decent sidearm. The alternate fire alternates between single shot mode and burst fire mode where three rounds are fired per shot. The Glock makes a decent sidearm for the Terrorists and Counter-Terrorists alike.
deagle/knighthawk: Knighthawk .50C (Desert Eagle)
[cs/weapons/deagle] $650; 7 rounds per clip, $40 per clip, 35 rounds total.The Desert Eagle is a common favorite in the game. The .50 AE rounds do severe damage when they land a hit; the Desert Eagle is somewhat accurate, but only each shot is fired slowly. It holds only seven rounds per clip, but you can make those seven rounds count in close quarters. The Desert Eagle is a common sidearm among snipers.
p228/228compact: 228 Compact
[cs/weapons/p228] $600; 13 rounds per clip, $50 per clip, 52 rounds total. The P228 does reasonable damage but has poor accuracy. At its price, it's not worth it. The P228 is rarely used by expert players.
elites: .40 Dual Elites (Terrorist)
[cs/weapons/elites] $1000; 30 rounds per "clip," $20 per clip, 120 rounds total.The dual Berettas sound like a lot of fun, and they're worth seeing, but they're not worth the steep price (one can almost afford a submachine gun at $1000). They have poor accuracy, only moderate damage potential, and a very long reload time (since you have to reload two guns, not one). They're fun to play with, but the dual Berettas are only good slugthrowers at extremely short range and not much else.
fiveseven/fm57: ES Five-Seven (Counter-Terrorist)
[cs/weapons/fiveseven] $750; 20 rounds per clip, $50 per clip, 100 rounds total. The Five-Seven has quite reasonable accuracy -- even while moving -- and a sufficient capacity, but does very little damage. Since a pistol is for killing, you're better off with a USP or a Desert Eagle.
m3/12gauge: Leone 12 Gauge Super
[cs/weapons/m3] $1700; 8 rounds per breach, $65 per breach, 32 rounds total.The M3 is lesser example of what is in effect a humiliation weapon. It's a pump-action shotgun, which while it does significant damage at close range, requires sneaking up on the opponent. It has a relatively slow rate of fire (since the action must be pumped each time), although it does have the benefit of being nearly as accurate while moving and, since it is reloaded one slug at a time, reloading can be interrupted to continue firing at any time. The M3 is relatively expensive for its worth, but using it effectively will not amuse your enemy.
xm1014/autoshotgun: Leone YG1265 Auto Shotgun
[cs/weapons/xm1014] $3000; 7 rounds per breach, $65 per breach, 32 rounds total.The XM1014 is a fully automatic shotgun with a high rate of fire, rendering it a truly devastating weapon at close range. It is often considered a rather skill-less weapon, often resulting in it being referred to as a "newbie stick." In maps where most encounters at at close quarters, however, it is extremely effective and should not be overlooked. It, like the M3, can be fired in between reloading slugs, so the disadvantages to reloading during a firefight are reduced. It is, however, fairly expensive. This is a good choice of weapon on maps where nearly all encounters are at close quarters.
Submachine guns
mp5navy/smg: KM Submachine Gun (MP5)
[cs/weapons/mp5navy] $1500; 30 rounds per clip, $20 per clip, 100 rounds total.The MP5 is a standard choice of submachine gun, although like all submachine guns it is relatively inaccurate and does inferior damage to a rifle. At short range an MP5 can hold its own; at medium to long range it starts showing its weaknesses. It's standard fare for its price class, but like most submachine guns it has its limitations.
tmp/mp: Schmidt Machine Pistol (TMP) (Counter-Terrorist)
[cs/weapons/tmp] $1250; 30 rounds per clip, $20 per clip, 120 rounds total. The TMP has a high rate of fire and is relatively quiet, but does relatively little damage. You're better off with another submachine gun.
p90/c90: ES C90 (P90)
[cs/weapons/p90] $2350; 50 rounds per clip, $50 per clip, 100 rounds total.The P90's claim to fame is that it has a very high clip capacity; the downside is that even at medium range it is rather inaccurate. It is, however, an extremely strange looking gun that people often like to buy if only to be different. Its high clip capacity doesn't outweigh its low accuracy.
mac10: Ingram MAC-10 (Terrorist)
[cs/weapons/mac10] $1400; 30 rounds per clip, $25 per clip, 96 rounds total.The real Mac-10 is well-known as an inaccurate firearm, and the Counter-Strike version is no exception. It does relatively low damage, but has a high rate of fire. The MP5 is an all-around better weapon for only $100 more.
ump45: KM UMP45
[cs/weapons/ump45] $1700; 25 rounds per clip, $25 per clip, 100 rounds total.The UMP has very good accuracy, but a relatively low rate of fire and a reduced clip capacity. For close combat, it is outmatched by all the other submachine gun -- its rate of fire simply cannot keep up. The UMP is a good beginner's weapon. Once you mature, however, you will find its faults limiting.
Assault rifles
famas/clarion: Clarion 5.56 (Counter-Terrorist)
[cs/weapons/famas] $2250, 25 rounds per clip, $60 per clip, 90 rounds total. The Clarion can only hold 25 rounds, and can select between automatic fire and burst fire (the burst fire shoots its three rounds a little faster than it would in normal automatic fire mode by holding the trigger down). It is not very accurate and not very powerful, but it is an affordable alternative to the Colt for the Counter-Terrorists.
galil/defender: IDF Defender (Terrorist)
[cs/weapons/galil] $2000, 35 rounds per clip, $60 per clip, 90 rounds total. The Defender can hold more rounds than the Clarion, and can't select between full auto and burst fire, but is somewhat cheaper. Other than that, they are comparable low-end assault rifles.
ak47/cv47: CV-47 (AK-47) (Terrorist)
[cs/weapons/ak47] $2500; 30 rounds per clip, $80 per clip, 90 rounds total.The AK47 is the standard no-zoom assault rifle used by the Terrorists (and is only available to them). It is a hard weapon to use well, but is very accurate when used properly. The key to using the AK47 is to remember that it is only accurate when fired from a standstill, and only for the first shot or two of a burst, and after that the accuracy severely degrades. Even in close quarters, holding down the trigger on the AK47 is not a good idea due to its extremely poor accuracy. It is surprisingly cheap for its accuracy when used properly. Learn to fire only one shot or two at a time when holding still, and the AK47 becomes an extremely accurate weapon.
m4a1: Maverick M4A1 Carbine (Colt) (Counter-Terrorist)
[cs/weapons/m4a1] $3100; 30 rounds per clip, $60 per clip, 90 rounds total.The Colt is a favorite in Counter-Strike; although it is available for purchase only to Counter-Terrorists, one will often find Terrorists using Colts that they've picked up from their killed enemies. The Colt is extremely accurate, and although its accuracy is considerably reduced when fired in bursts, it does not nearly have the same accuracy problems that the AK47 has. Furthermore, the Colt is a very competent close quarters weapon as well, even when in motion, whereas the AK47 has severe accuracy problems in that context. It is noticeable more expensive than the AK47, but it is well worth it. When equipped with the silencer, the rate of fire and damage are slightly reduced but the accuracy remains the same. Fired from rest and in two- or three-shot bursts, the Colt is a devastating weapon.
aug/bullpup: Bullpup (AUG) (Counter-Terrorist)
[cs/weapons/aug] $3500; 30 rounds per clip, $60 per clip, 90 rounds total.The AUG has one zoom level and is a good combination of a straight assault rifle and a sniper rifle. Its accuracy is only moderate, especially when fired in long bursts, but it is a common rifle chosen by Counter-Terrorists (and is only available to them). The AUG is a favorite assault/sniper rifle combination.
sg552/kreig552: Kreig 552 (Terrorist)
[cs/weapons/sg552] $3500; 30 rounds per clip, $60 per clip, 90 rounds total.The SIG is the Terrorist counterpart to the AUG (and is only available to them). The SIG is the more accurate weapon, but they are both quite comparable and have the same price. You can't go wrong with the SIG in experienced hands.
Sniper rifles
scout: Schmidt Scout
[cs/weapons/scout] $2750; 10 rounds per clip, $80 per clip, 60 rounds total.The Scout is a popular sniper rifle with multilevel zoom. It has a reasonable rate of fire and a fairly rapid reload for a sniper rifle. Unlike the AWM, it takes at least two hits to deal a fatal blow, but it can land those two hits quickly and accurately. As with other sniper rifles, remaining still while firing is essential to hitting your target. The Scout also has the additional benefit of being extremely quiet; even at moderate distance, the target cannot hear the Scout being fired; contrast this to the AWM, which is the loudest weapon in the game. It is also very affordable, with a cost in between the AK47 and the Colt. At first the Scout seems underpowered, but in capable hands the Scout can quickly take out enemies.
awp/magnum: Magnum Sniper Rifle (AWP)
[cs/weapons/awp] $4750; 10 rounds per clip, $125 per clip, 30 rounds total.The AWM (often referred to as the "awp," which is its internal designation) is really the only effective one-shot-one-kill weapon in the game. Like the Scout, it has multilevel zoom, but unlike the scout, any hit except to the extremities will result in a fatality; the AWM is a fearsome weapon. It makes a godawful noise when fired; it is obvious to anyone remotely nearby when someone is sniping with it. Of all the weapons, it has the slowest rate of fire, but its power is unsurpassed. It is, however, correspondingly very expensive. This is the ultimate sniper weapon. Coupled with a Desert Eagle as a sidearm, a competent AWM sniper is very difficult to rout.
Automatic sniper rifles
sg550/kreig550: Kreig 550 Commando (SG550) (Counter-Terrorist)
[cs/weapons/sg550] $4200; 30 rounds per clip, $60 per clip, 90 rounds total.The G3 (available only to the Counter-Terrorists) is a sort of a cross between a sniper rifle and an assault weapon, and it is unfortunately a match does not work very well. The G3 has a reasonable rate of fire, but when fired this way has exceedingly poor accuracy; the firer must put a great deal of pause between each shot to get the accuracy afforded to other sniper rifles. Further, the rounds require at least two hits to take down a foe, which coupled with its poor accuracy makes it almost counterproductive as a sniper weapon. In close quarters, it is almost useless. Finally, it is unbelievably expensive for what you get -- it is the second-most expensive weapon in the game, more expensive even than an AWM. Avoid purchasing the G3, unless you're showing off. You are much better off with an AUG or an AWM -- and they cost less.
g3sg1/deau1: D3/AU-1 (G3) (Terrorist)
[cs/weapons/g3sg1] $5000; 20 rounds per clip, $80 per clip, 60 rounds total. The SG550 is the Terrorist equivalent of the G3. It has the same drawbacks as the G3, although it is somewhat less expensive. Again, avoid the SG550. Switch to an SG552, a Scout, or an AWM instead.
Machine guns
m249: M249
[cs/weapons/m249] $5750; 100 rounds per clip, $60 per clip, 200 rounds total.The Para does only one thing, but it does it well: It sprays bullets. At a whopping 100 round magazine and a moderate rate of fire, it can keep throwing out bullets when your enemy has to reload. The disadvantage there is an extremely long reload cycle, and -- more importantly -- very poor accuracy. The Para is really only suitable for close combat situations; it can keep throwing out bullets but it can't deliver them accurately.
Other weapons
tank: Fixed gun emplacements
On some custom maps, fixed gun emplacements are available. The amount of damage they do is variable but usually very high, and they generally have unlimited ammunition and a moderate rate of fire; however, they usually have two serious drawbacks: first, using them usually puts you in a position where you are easily exposed to enemy fire, particularly from sniper weapons; and the second, they often have atrociously bad accuracy. Fixed gun emplacements really are only useful at the beginning of a match, when nobody can yet afford effective assault rifles or sniper weapons, or when your team is already dominating and so you can afford to use them for their suppressive effect. Otherwise they're showoff weapons that are more likely to get you killed other than doing anything useful for your team.
Most weapons lose accuracy when fired when fired continuously or when the shooter is moving; knowing the abilities of your firearm is essential to being a competent Counter-Strike player.
When two codes are given, the one on the left is the one used by the mod version of the game and the one on the right is that used by the retail version. In 1.6 most of the gun names changed; when a gun is still commonly known by its original name, its original name is included in parentheses.
Melee weapons
knife: Knife
[cs/weapons/knife]The knife is your standard close quarters knife. It is mostly used as a humiliation weapon by sneaking up on your enemies and knifing them from behind. In its standard usage, it has a slashing attack, and in the alternate attack it has a thrusting type of motion. The slashing attack does less damage, but also can be used more frequently. The knife can also be used to open vents and other breakable objects. Unless you're out to embarrass your opponent, the knife is not very useful, with one exception: It can be a relatively low-noise option for opening vents.
usp/mk45: KM .45 Tactical (USP)
[cs/weapons/usp] $500; 12 rounds per clip, $50 per clip, 48 rounds total. Initial Terrorist weapon.The USP is the initial Counter-Terrorist weapon (the cost applies to the Terrorists); all Counter-Terrorists start with it. It is arguably the most accurate pistol in the game, which makes it even more surprising that the Counter-Terrorists begin with it. It delivers moderate damage and has a reasonably high rate of fire, and so is a very competent weapon. The alternate fire switches back and forth between silenced and unsilenced modes. The USP is a fine sidearm for a Counter-Terrorist with an assault rifle, or a Terrorist strapped for cash.
glock18/9x19mm: 9x19 mm Sidearm (Glock)
[cs/weapons/glock18] $400; 20 rounds per clip, $20 per clip, 90 rounds total. Initial Terrorist weapon.The Glock is the standard Terrorist weapon. It has a reasonable rate of fire and a high magazine capacity, and in recent versions the damage has been increased to make it comparable with the USP as a decent sidearm. The alternate fire alternates between single shot mode and burst fire mode where three rounds are fired per shot. The Glock makes a decent sidearm for the Terrorists and Counter-Terrorists alike.
deagle/knighthawk: Knighthawk .50C (Desert Eagle)
[cs/weapons/deagle] $650; 7 rounds per clip, $40 per clip, 35 rounds total.The Desert Eagle is a common favorite in the game. The .50 AE rounds do severe damage when they land a hit; the Desert Eagle is somewhat accurate, but only each shot is fired slowly. It holds only seven rounds per clip, but you can make those seven rounds count in close quarters. The Desert Eagle is a common sidearm among snipers.
p228/228compact: 228 Compact
[cs/weapons/p228] $600; 13 rounds per clip, $50 per clip, 52 rounds total. The P228 does reasonable damage but has poor accuracy. At its price, it's not worth it. The P228 is rarely used by expert players.
elites: .40 Dual Elites (Terrorist)
[cs/weapons/elites] $1000; 30 rounds per "clip," $20 per clip, 120 rounds total.The dual Berettas sound like a lot of fun, and they're worth seeing, but they're not worth the steep price (one can almost afford a submachine gun at $1000). They have poor accuracy, only moderate damage potential, and a very long reload time (since you have to reload two guns, not one). They're fun to play with, but the dual Berettas are only good slugthrowers at extremely short range and not much else.
fiveseven/fm57: ES Five-Seven (Counter-Terrorist)
[cs/weapons/fiveseven] $750; 20 rounds per clip, $50 per clip, 100 rounds total. The Five-Seven has quite reasonable accuracy -- even while moving -- and a sufficient capacity, but does very little damage. Since a pistol is for killing, you're better off with a USP or a Desert Eagle.
m3/12gauge: Leone 12 Gauge Super
[cs/weapons/m3] $1700; 8 rounds per breach, $65 per breach, 32 rounds total.The M3 is lesser example of what is in effect a humiliation weapon. It's a pump-action shotgun, which while it does significant damage at close range, requires sneaking up on the opponent. It has a relatively slow rate of fire (since the action must be pumped each time), although it does have the benefit of being nearly as accurate while moving and, since it is reloaded one slug at a time, reloading can be interrupted to continue firing at any time. The M3 is relatively expensive for its worth, but using it effectively will not amuse your enemy.
xm1014/autoshotgun: Leone YG1265 Auto Shotgun
[cs/weapons/xm1014] $3000; 7 rounds per breach, $65 per breach, 32 rounds total.The XM1014 is a fully automatic shotgun with a high rate of fire, rendering it a truly devastating weapon at close range. It is often considered a rather skill-less weapon, often resulting in it being referred to as a "newbie stick." In maps where most encounters at at close quarters, however, it is extremely effective and should not be overlooked. It, like the M3, can be fired in between reloading slugs, so the disadvantages to reloading during a firefight are reduced. It is, however, fairly expensive. This is a good choice of weapon on maps where nearly all encounters are at close quarters.
Submachine guns
mp5navy/smg: KM Submachine Gun (MP5)
[cs/weapons/mp5navy] $1500; 30 rounds per clip, $20 per clip, 100 rounds total.The MP5 is a standard choice of submachine gun, although like all submachine guns it is relatively inaccurate and does inferior damage to a rifle. At short range an MP5 can hold its own; at medium to long range it starts showing its weaknesses. It's standard fare for its price class, but like most submachine guns it has its limitations.
tmp/mp: Schmidt Machine Pistol (TMP) (Counter-Terrorist)
[cs/weapons/tmp] $1250; 30 rounds per clip, $20 per clip, 120 rounds total. The TMP has a high rate of fire and is relatively quiet, but does relatively little damage. You're better off with another submachine gun.
p90/c90: ES C90 (P90)
[cs/weapons/p90] $2350; 50 rounds per clip, $50 per clip, 100 rounds total.The P90's claim to fame is that it has a very high clip capacity; the downside is that even at medium range it is rather inaccurate. It is, however, an extremely strange looking gun that people often like to buy if only to be different. Its high clip capacity doesn't outweigh its low accuracy.
mac10: Ingram MAC-10 (Terrorist)
[cs/weapons/mac10] $1400; 30 rounds per clip, $25 per clip, 96 rounds total.The real Mac-10 is well-known as an inaccurate firearm, and the Counter-Strike version is no exception. It does relatively low damage, but has a high rate of fire. The MP5 is an all-around better weapon for only $100 more.
ump45: KM UMP45
[cs/weapons/ump45] $1700; 25 rounds per clip, $25 per clip, 100 rounds total.The UMP has very good accuracy, but a relatively low rate of fire and a reduced clip capacity. For close combat, it is outmatched by all the other submachine gun -- its rate of fire simply cannot keep up. The UMP is a good beginner's weapon. Once you mature, however, you will find its faults limiting.
Assault rifles
famas/clarion: Clarion 5.56 (Counter-Terrorist)
[cs/weapons/famas] $2250, 25 rounds per clip, $60 per clip, 90 rounds total. The Clarion can only hold 25 rounds, and can select between automatic fire and burst fire (the burst fire shoots its three rounds a little faster than it would in normal automatic fire mode by holding the trigger down). It is not very accurate and not very powerful, but it is an affordable alternative to the Colt for the Counter-Terrorists.
galil/defender: IDF Defender (Terrorist)
[cs/weapons/galil] $2000, 35 rounds per clip, $60 per clip, 90 rounds total. The Defender can hold more rounds than the Clarion, and can't select between full auto and burst fire, but is somewhat cheaper. Other than that, they are comparable low-end assault rifles.
ak47/cv47: CV-47 (AK-47) (Terrorist)
[cs/weapons/ak47] $2500; 30 rounds per clip, $80 per clip, 90 rounds total.The AK47 is the standard no-zoom assault rifle used by the Terrorists (and is only available to them). It is a hard weapon to use well, but is very accurate when used properly. The key to using the AK47 is to remember that it is only accurate when fired from a standstill, and only for the first shot or two of a burst, and after that the accuracy severely degrades. Even in close quarters, holding down the trigger on the AK47 is not a good idea due to its extremely poor accuracy. It is surprisingly cheap for its accuracy when used properly. Learn to fire only one shot or two at a time when holding still, and the AK47 becomes an extremely accurate weapon.
m4a1: Maverick M4A1 Carbine (Colt) (Counter-Terrorist)
[cs/weapons/m4a1] $3100; 30 rounds per clip, $60 per clip, 90 rounds total.The Colt is a favorite in Counter-Strike; although it is available for purchase only to Counter-Terrorists, one will often find Terrorists using Colts that they've picked up from their killed enemies. The Colt is extremely accurate, and although its accuracy is considerably reduced when fired in bursts, it does not nearly have the same accuracy problems that the AK47 has. Furthermore, the Colt is a very competent close quarters weapon as well, even when in motion, whereas the AK47 has severe accuracy problems in that context. It is noticeable more expensive than the AK47, but it is well worth it. When equipped with the silencer, the rate of fire and damage are slightly reduced but the accuracy remains the same. Fired from rest and in two- or three-shot bursts, the Colt is a devastating weapon.
aug/bullpup: Bullpup (AUG) (Counter-Terrorist)
[cs/weapons/aug] $3500; 30 rounds per clip, $60 per clip, 90 rounds total.The AUG has one zoom level and is a good combination of a straight assault rifle and a sniper rifle. Its accuracy is only moderate, especially when fired in long bursts, but it is a common rifle chosen by Counter-Terrorists (and is only available to them). The AUG is a favorite assault/sniper rifle combination.
sg552/kreig552: Kreig 552 (Terrorist)
[cs/weapons/sg552] $3500; 30 rounds per clip, $60 per clip, 90 rounds total.The SIG is the Terrorist counterpart to the AUG (and is only available to them). The SIG is the more accurate weapon, but they are both quite comparable and have the same price. You can't go wrong with the SIG in experienced hands.
Sniper rifles
scout: Schmidt Scout
[cs/weapons/scout] $2750; 10 rounds per clip, $80 per clip, 60 rounds total.The Scout is a popular sniper rifle with multilevel zoom. It has a reasonable rate of fire and a fairly rapid reload for a sniper rifle. Unlike the AWM, it takes at least two hits to deal a fatal blow, but it can land those two hits quickly and accurately. As with other sniper rifles, remaining still while firing is essential to hitting your target. The Scout also has the additional benefit of being extremely quiet; even at moderate distance, the target cannot hear the Scout being fired; contrast this to the AWM, which is the loudest weapon in the game. It is also very affordable, with a cost in between the AK47 and the Colt. At first the Scout seems underpowered, but in capable hands the Scout can quickly take out enemies.
awp/magnum: Magnum Sniper Rifle (AWP)
[cs/weapons/awp] $4750; 10 rounds per clip, $125 per clip, 30 rounds total.The AWM (often referred to as the "awp," which is its internal designation) is really the only effective one-shot-one-kill weapon in the game. Like the Scout, it has multilevel zoom, but unlike the scout, any hit except to the extremities will result in a fatality; the AWM is a fearsome weapon. It makes a godawful noise when fired; it is obvious to anyone remotely nearby when someone is sniping with it. Of all the weapons, it has the slowest rate of fire, but its power is unsurpassed. It is, however, correspondingly very expensive. This is the ultimate sniper weapon. Coupled with a Desert Eagle as a sidearm, a competent AWM sniper is very difficult to rout.
Automatic sniper rifles
sg550/kreig550: Kreig 550 Commando (SG550) (Counter-Terrorist)
[cs/weapons/sg550] $4200; 30 rounds per clip, $60 per clip, 90 rounds total.The G3 (available only to the Counter-Terrorists) is a sort of a cross between a sniper rifle and an assault weapon, and it is unfortunately a match does not work very well. The G3 has a reasonable rate of fire, but when fired this way has exceedingly poor accuracy; the firer must put a great deal of pause between each shot to get the accuracy afforded to other sniper rifles. Further, the rounds require at least two hits to take down a foe, which coupled with its poor accuracy makes it almost counterproductive as a sniper weapon. In close quarters, it is almost useless. Finally, it is unbelievably expensive for what you get -- it is the second-most expensive weapon in the game, more expensive even than an AWM. Avoid purchasing the G3, unless you're showing off. You are much better off with an AUG or an AWM -- and they cost less.
g3sg1/deau1: D3/AU-1 (G3) (Terrorist)
[cs/weapons/g3sg1] $5000; 20 rounds per clip, $80 per clip, 60 rounds total. The SG550 is the Terrorist equivalent of the G3. It has the same drawbacks as the G3, although it is somewhat less expensive. Again, avoid the SG550. Switch to an SG552, a Scout, or an AWM instead.
Machine guns
m249: M249
[cs/weapons/m249] $5750; 100 rounds per clip, $60 per clip, 200 rounds total.The Para does only one thing, but it does it well: It sprays bullets. At a whopping 100 round magazine and a moderate rate of fire, it can keep throwing out bullets when your enemy has to reload. The disadvantage there is an extremely long reload cycle, and -- more importantly -- very poor accuracy. The Para is really only suitable for close combat situations; it can keep throwing out bullets but it can't deliver them accurately.
Other weapons
tank: Fixed gun emplacements
On some custom maps, fixed gun emplacements are available. The amount of damage they do is variable but usually very high, and they generally have unlimited ammunition and a moderate rate of fire; however, they usually have two serious drawbacks: first, using them usually puts you in a position where you are easily exposed to enemy fire, particularly from sniper weapons; and the second, they often have atrociously bad accuracy. Fixed gun emplacements really are only useful at the beginning of a match, when nobody can yet afford effective assault rifles or sniper weapons, or when your team is already dominating and so you can afford to use them for their suppressive effect. Otherwise they're showoff weapons that are more likely to get you killed other than doing anything useful for your team.
Cs Money Management
Money is awarded and penalized for various actions that you complete throughout the game. Rewards and penalties can apply to you as an individual, or to your whole team (everyone on your team gets the reward or penalty). Money is used to buy weapons, equipment, and ammunition, although if you survive the round you get to continue the next round with what you had during the previous one.
Each player's bank maxes out at $16,000. Any money gained above this limit is lost.
Action => Reward/Penalty
Rescuing a hostage => $1000 for individual, $150 for teammates
Killing a hostage => -$1500 for individual
Touching ("using") a hostage = $150 for individual, $100 for teammates
Killing an enemy => $300 for individual
Killing a teammate => -$3300 for individual
Terrorist win by bombing target => $2750 for teammates
Win by elimination on hostage map => $2000 for teammates
Win by elimination on bomb/defuse map => $2500 for teammates
Counter-Terrorist win by defusing bomb => $2750 for teammates
Counter-Terrorist win by hostage rescue => $2000 for teammates (not counting hostage bonuses)
Surviving hostage bonus => $150 per hostage for teammates
Hostages rescued bonus => $250 per hostage for teammates
Either team loses round => $1400 for teammates
Either team loses over two consecutive rounds => $1400 + $500 per additional round (to a maximum of $2900) for teammates
Each player's bank maxes out at $16,000. Any money gained above this limit is lost.
Action => Reward/Penalty
Rescuing a hostage => $1000 for individual, $150 for teammates
Killing a hostage => -$1500 for individual
Touching ("using") a hostage = $150 for individual, $100 for teammates
Killing an enemy => $300 for individual
Killing a teammate => -$3300 for individual
Terrorist win by bombing target => $2750 for teammates
Win by elimination on hostage map => $2000 for teammates
Win by elimination on bomb/defuse map => $2500 for teammates
Counter-Terrorist win by defusing bomb => $2750 for teammates
Counter-Terrorist win by hostage rescue => $2000 for teammates (not counting hostage bonuses)
Surviving hostage bonus => $150 per hostage for teammates
Hostages rescued bonus => $250 per hostage for teammates
Either team loses round => $1400 for teammates
Either team loses over two consecutive rounds => $1400 + $500 per additional round (to a maximum of $2900) for teammates
Cs Types
Standard Map
Generally, the first two letters of a map name indicate what type of map it is. All standard maps use this convention.
CS: Hostage rescue
[cs/stuff/hostage] In hostage rescue, the Terrorists are holding some number of hostages (a varying but consistent number for each map, and in unique locations). The Counter-Terrorists must rescue the hostages, get the hostages to follow them, and bring them to predefined areas called rescue points. Counter-Terrorists can get hostages to follow them by hitting the "use" key while facing them; the hostages will then respond vocally (which can be heard by nearby Terrorists), and then will follow closely behind the Counter-Terrorist who collected them. Hostages will stop following their rescuer if the Counter-Terrorist uses him again, or that Counter-Terrorist is killed. When the hostages are brought to a rescue point, they disappear and it is announced to all the players as, "A hostage has been rescued." The Counter-Terrorists win a round when they have rescued all the hostages or killed all the Terrorists; otherwise, the Terrorists win. Counter-Terrorists: Rescue the hostages. Terrorists: Stop them.
DE: Bomb/defuse
[cs/action/bombed1] In bomb/defuse, one Terrorist is chosen at random at the start of each round to carry the bomb (which appears as a backpack on his model); which Terrorist carries the bomb is not immediately known to the Counter-Terrorists. That Terrorist must take the bomb to one of the bomb sites (marked with red concentric circles), plant it (by wielding it and holding the fire button down for a period of time), and ensure its detonation (which takes place some period of time after it is planted). The Counter-Terrorists must stop the bomb from being planted, or if it is, defuse it. Once planted, the bomb can be defused by Counter-Terrorists by standing over it and pressing and holding the "use" key; the time it takes to defuse the bomb can be decreased by purchasing a defuse kit beforehand (which appears as a belt accessory on the Counter-Terrorist model). When the Terrorist with the bomb is killed, his backpack falls on the ground and can be picked up by another Terrorist; similarly, a Counter-Terrorist with a defuse kit drops his defuse kit on the ground when killed, which can be picked up by other Counter-Terrorist. The Terrorists win if they plant a bomb which successfully detonates; the Counter-Terrorists win if they kill all the Terrorists or defuse a bomb which gets planted. Terrorists: Plant the bomb and ensure its destruction. Counter-Terrorist: Prevent the bomb from being planted, or if that fails, successfully defuse it.
AS: Assassination
In an assassination game, one Counter-Terrorist at random each round is designated as the VIP. That Counter-Terrorist is equipped with only a H&K USP and extra armor; he cannot pick up weapons on the ground. Which Counter-Terrorist is the VIP is not known to the Terrorists at the start. The VIP must try to reach the escape point, and the Terrorists must try to stop him. The Counter-Terrorists win if the VIP escapes; the Terrorists win if they stop him. Counter-Terrorists: Escort the VIP to the rescue area. Terrorists: Assassinate the VIP.
ES: Escape
Terrorists must escape to an evacuation area, and Counter-Terrorists must prevent this. If enough of the Terrorists escape, the round is declared a Terrorist victory. The Escape maps were part of an early beta and are no longer used.
Custom maps
Some custom maps do not follow the above conventions, but most do. Some custom maps don't follow one of the standard four types. Some custom map makers have used other prefixes to indicate different "types" of games; some have become de facto standards. Usually these maps are "survivor" style games, where there is no particular objective save killing all the members of the other team.
CSDE: Hostage rescue and bomb/defuse
These maps typically have both hostages and a bomb point, making them in essence a dual objective map; both sides need to accomplish their objectives and prevent the other team from accomplishing theirs.
AWP: Sniper maps
These maps have heavy domination by the AWM, often available on the ground so that they need not be purchased.
FY: Close quarters
These maps are close quarters battles, typically with weapons available on the ground, little or no available armor, and restricted purchasing (either no purchasing at all, or the buy area is in an exposed area that is dangerous to access during the firefight).
HE: Grenade fight
Grenade fights (the HE comes from the "high-explosive" in high-explosive grenade) involve no weapons except grenades (usually lying on the floor). Often there is a barrier between the two sides so that grenades must be lobbed over to the enemy, rather than directly thrown at them.
KA: Knife arena
Knife battles leave each player equipped only with a knife in a close quarters melee. Typically there is an explicit area of the map which is the "arena," where once players enter they may not escape.
Generally, the first two letters of a map name indicate what type of map it is. All standard maps use this convention.
CS: Hostage rescue
[cs/stuff/hostage] In hostage rescue, the Terrorists are holding some number of hostages (a varying but consistent number for each map, and in unique locations). The Counter-Terrorists must rescue the hostages, get the hostages to follow them, and bring them to predefined areas called rescue points. Counter-Terrorists can get hostages to follow them by hitting the "use" key while facing them; the hostages will then respond vocally (which can be heard by nearby Terrorists), and then will follow closely behind the Counter-Terrorist who collected them. Hostages will stop following their rescuer if the Counter-Terrorist uses him again, or that Counter-Terrorist is killed. When the hostages are brought to a rescue point, they disappear and it is announced to all the players as, "A hostage has been rescued." The Counter-Terrorists win a round when they have rescued all the hostages or killed all the Terrorists; otherwise, the Terrorists win. Counter-Terrorists: Rescue the hostages. Terrorists: Stop them.
DE: Bomb/defuse
[cs/action/bombed1] In bomb/defuse, one Terrorist is chosen at random at the start of each round to carry the bomb (which appears as a backpack on his model); which Terrorist carries the bomb is not immediately known to the Counter-Terrorists. That Terrorist must take the bomb to one of the bomb sites (marked with red concentric circles), plant it (by wielding it and holding the fire button down for a period of time), and ensure its detonation (which takes place some period of time after it is planted). The Counter-Terrorists must stop the bomb from being planted, or if it is, defuse it. Once planted, the bomb can be defused by Counter-Terrorists by standing over it and pressing and holding the "use" key; the time it takes to defuse the bomb can be decreased by purchasing a defuse kit beforehand (which appears as a belt accessory on the Counter-Terrorist model). When the Terrorist with the bomb is killed, his backpack falls on the ground and can be picked up by another Terrorist; similarly, a Counter-Terrorist with a defuse kit drops his defuse kit on the ground when killed, which can be picked up by other Counter-Terrorist. The Terrorists win if they plant a bomb which successfully detonates; the Counter-Terrorists win if they kill all the Terrorists or defuse a bomb which gets planted. Terrorists: Plant the bomb and ensure its destruction. Counter-Terrorist: Prevent the bomb from being planted, or if that fails, successfully defuse it.
AS: Assassination
In an assassination game, one Counter-Terrorist at random each round is designated as the VIP. That Counter-Terrorist is equipped with only a H&K USP and extra armor; he cannot pick up weapons on the ground. Which Counter-Terrorist is the VIP is not known to the Terrorists at the start. The VIP must try to reach the escape point, and the Terrorists must try to stop him. The Counter-Terrorists win if the VIP escapes; the Terrorists win if they stop him. Counter-Terrorists: Escort the VIP to the rescue area. Terrorists: Assassinate the VIP.
ES: Escape
Terrorists must escape to an evacuation area, and Counter-Terrorists must prevent this. If enough of the Terrorists escape, the round is declared a Terrorist victory. The Escape maps were part of an early beta and are no longer used.
Custom maps
Some custom maps do not follow the above conventions, but most do. Some custom maps don't follow one of the standard four types. Some custom map makers have used other prefixes to indicate different "types" of games; some have become de facto standards. Usually these maps are "survivor" style games, where there is no particular objective save killing all the members of the other team.
CSDE: Hostage rescue and bomb/defuse
These maps typically have both hostages and a bomb point, making them in essence a dual objective map; both sides need to accomplish their objectives and prevent the other team from accomplishing theirs.
AWP: Sniper maps
These maps have heavy domination by the AWM, often available on the ground so that they need not be purchased.
FY: Close quarters
These maps are close quarters battles, typically with weapons available on the ground, little or no available armor, and restricted purchasing (either no purchasing at all, or the buy area is in an exposed area that is dangerous to access during the firefight).
HE: Grenade fight
Grenade fights (the HE comes from the "high-explosive" in high-explosive grenade) involve no weapons except grenades (usually lying on the floor). Often there is a barrier between the two sides so that grenades must be lobbed over to the enemy, rather than directly thrown at them.
KA: Knife arena
Knife battles leave each player equipped only with a knife in a close quarters melee. Typically there is an explicit area of the map which is the "arena," where once players enter they may not escape.
Monday, November 26, 2007
Earth Special Forces
About the mod:
Earth Special Forces , also known as ESF, its a half-life modification based on the hit anime series, Dragonball Z. The mod includes nine of your favorite characters who are able to duke it out using numerous beam attacks as well as close hand to hand combat. ESF mixes both elements to bring players intense fast paced with a twist of strategy. Each character is geared towards a different style of play. Some are meant to mainly use energy attacks, while others have the advantage in melee fights, no matter what style of fighting you like to use, esf has a way to accommodate you.
Earth Special Forces has been in the making for the better part longer then 5 years. The team continuously tries to push the half-life engine to it's limits in order to produce the most playable accurate Dragonball Z game around.
Earth's Special Forces, also known as ESF is a half-life modification based on the hit anime series, Dragonball Z. The mod includes nine of your favorite characters who are able to duke it out using numerous beam attacks as well as close hand to hand combat. ESF mixes both elements to bring players intense fast paced with a twist of strategy. Each character is geared towards a different style of play. Some are meant to mainly use energy attacks, while others have the advantage in melee fights.
No matter what style of fighting you like to use, esf has a way to accomadate you.
ESF has been in the making for the better part of three years. The team continuely tries to push the half-life engine to it's limits in order to produce the most playably accurate Dragonball Z game around.
# Features:
# Fight with other with melee (hand to hand combat)
# Fire energy blasts such as the Kamehameha-wave
# Teleport, to go to a place faster
# Swoop to fly faster to a location or person
# Radar to see for close enemies, or to look at your enemies and allies power level
# Able to transform, like transforming into a super saiyan
# Blocking, block incoming energy attacks or melee attacks
# Increase your power level to be stronger, to fire more powerful attacks and to transform
# Create bots that comes with the game to train against them
# And so much more!
Extra Additions:
# New Sprites, Models, and More:
-----=====Grand Theft Auto: Hill Valley 0.2d=====-----
Installation of 0.2D
-Run the setup program
-Follow instructions, make sure to install into your gtavc directory
-IMPORTANT!!!! When GTA3 mod installer comes up, select the 3rd option to install the mod, NOT CARS!!!
----All features and their key will also be displayed ingame.----
Time Travel:
-submission(capslock) + shoot(ctrl) turns on and off the time circuits
-shoot(ctrl) changes the value
-submission(capslock) moves the cursur to the next line
-drive/fly to 88 mph to time travel
-WARNING!!! Time travelling with a damaged time machine may produce unwanted effects. You can tell when it's damaged when you see smoke coming out.
-IMPORTANT: If you find yourself in the Nth Dimension (You'll know if you're there), Don't panic, and make your way safely to the nearest pay n spray
After Time Travel
-30 second lag before you can time travel again.
-BTTF1 delorean comes back dead
-hold turret left/right (num 4/5) to try to turn on the BTTF1 delorean
Flying (Time Machine only):
-hit turret left/right (num 4/5) to switch between driving/flying
-same controls as helicopter
-handbrake causes time machine to go forward
Flying (2015 non-Time machines):
-to enter hover mode, turret left/right(num 4/5) or lean back/foward (num 6/9), otherwise known as the ascend and descend keys
-Accelerate, Decelerate, Turn Left, and Turn Right do the same thing
-turret left/right(num 4/5) makes the car ascend
-lean back/foward (num 6/9) makes the car descend
-Hitting both accelerate and decelerate will turn off flying mode and put you back into driving mode
RC Mode
-action and sprint to activate
-camera button to change view
-don't kill yourself
Plutonium and Mr. Fusion
-You will be notified when you are out of plutonium/trash
-Go to the back of the car to refillwhere you can get more plutonium
-Trash is found everywhere, so it's unlimited
-Plutonium is found at the garbage place. Beware of Lybians trying to kill you for stealing their plutonium
KITT (controls)
-Autodrive: Action and Shoot
-Scanner: lean up/down and shoot to turn on
-Eject: lean up/down and handbrake to eject
-Weapons: Submission to change weapons
-Shoot to fire
-Turbo Boost: Horn to jump (taxi boost)
-Pursuit Mode: Hold down lean up/down to activate Pursuit Mode (only active when key is held down)
-Super Pursuit Mode: press turret left/right to activate super pursuit mode
-To use it, hold lean up/down
-To slow down fast, hold down decelerate and handbrake
-Press the turret left/right button to latch on to a vehicle (Doesn't work on long vehicles)
-Press lean up/down to break away
Modding Team
-Delorean88us - Coder, and a little bit of everythingn else
-K.I.T.T. - Radio Stations, Trailers
-Nightshade - Mapping (inactive)
-K1902000 - Car Modeling
-Carlos E.G.L - Time Machine Modeling
-TheMacNerd - Script Writing (inactive)
-Wes Janson - Audio Editing
-Ace2029 - Mapping
-Tobie: KITT and SPM KITT
-K.I.T.T.:radio stations
-Booshman: Loading Screens
-Daniel Low: Delorean Engine Sounds
-Back to the Future Trilogy: bttf sounds and source
-Knight Rider: KITT sounds
-Wes Janson: Various BTTF Sounds
-Spooky: IMG Tool
-Steve M: Collision File Editor II
-Barton Waterduck: Vice City Mission Builder 1.5
-Nullpointer: sound tool
-Delfi: TXD Workshop for its help in making this mod a reality
-DMagic: wheel mod
-Yuri Antipin: Original Delorean Mesh (NFS4)
-Moodog: Modified, more stylish Mesh (MM2)
-Moodog and Carlos E.G.L.: Revamped BTTF Version (MM2)
-Silver007: Delorean Conversion (GTAVC)
-Carlos E.G.L.: Re-Revamped BTTF Version (GTAVC)
-K1092000: Griff's BMW, Doc's Packard, Biff's Ford, the Manure Truck, the 04 Delorean, 04 Delorean Time Machine, the VW Microbus, Rolls Royce, 2015 Police car
-GTA Classics: Chevrolet Bel Air and variations, Ford Crown Victoria, Chevrolet Impala Taxi, 59 Cadillac
-JVT: Cadillac model 70, Cadillac 37-90 V16 Cabriolet, Cadillac model 70
-JVT and Dingsling: Audi RSQ concept
-JVT and KvH-desing: Peugeot Oxia
-JVT, KvH-DeSiGn & NightEye: Spyker c8 Laviolette
-BJiz: VW Beetle
-Phil: Citroen 2CV
-Pumbars: Chevy Van G20 "Enforcer", Jeep Wrangler, Chevrolet "Mr. Whoopee", 07 Dodge Challenger, Chevrolet Blazer, Chevrolet Camaro IROC-Z
-123abc: 32 Ford, 1971 Nissan Skyline
-Jbrian80: Ford Bronco
-Fragdieb: Neural and Neuralite
-PinIuli: Maz 103 Bus
-FUBAR: Ford Mustang Boss 429
-IllProphet: X-Concept
-Silver007: 70 Dodge Challenger T/A
-Crazy@Lex: Ford Forty-Nine
-Don Mario: Ford Torino
-Euroboy a.k.a. kitchenpolice: Ford Taunus
-Klarnetist( Cadillac Eldorado
-Freiik: BMW M1
-HarLequiN( Buick Custom
-Pa5ha: Loren Ditrih
- Lots of graphical enhancements
- Glows for coils
- Pulsating glows for train coils
- Different colored wormholes for time machines
- Glows for vents and wheels (and underbody for train)
- Updated Delorean Models and 04 Delorean model
- Brand New Hover Mode for the Time Machine
- SPM model for KITT
- KITT has status lights (cruise mode, pursuit mode, super pursuit mode)
- Time Machine has status lights (time circuit error, empty fuel chamber)
- Normal cars have a status light (low fuel)
- Autodrive revamped to allow KITT to follow you, even if you're driving
- New colors for time circuits
- Most text spacing corrected
- 70 mph limit removed.
- 04 Time Machine added
- Location circuits added for 04 Time Machine
- Possibility of Time Circuit error when damaged sending you to different times
- Possibility of sending you to Nth Dimension if heavily damaged
- Cold Deloreans on reentry
- "Dead" BTTF1 Delorean on Reentry
- New Explosion colors
- Status lights added to bottom of the fuel part (Low fuel, empty chamber, time circuit error)
- Over 30 cars added, 2015 ones are hover capable
- Marker shows where gas station is when fuel is low
- New sounds (driving<->flying, reentry, top gear delorean sound, ignition/turn off sound, cold delorean, wheel and vent boosters)
- language support
- weather
- plenty of bug fixes
-First time Ingame help
-New Installer
-More cars
-New updated delorean model
-Calendar system
-New sounds (doors, KITT Jump, license plate)
-New Time Circuits
-Time Machine Garage
-New plutonium location
-Lybians now will chase you if you steal plutonium
-"Glowing" Vents on the flying time machines
-Skateboard and Hoverboard added
-Players can hang onto a vehicle with the skateboard/hoverboard
-Car Spawn Locations changed
-More varius bug fixes
-More Delorean Model Fixes
-RC Mode added
-Delorean can time travel regardless if player is in the car or not
-KITT's autodrive removed
-KITT's keypresses changed
-Blue explosions
-Longer fire trails
-Griff's BMW added
-Delorean Model fixes
-Time Travel changes two buildings depending on the year
-Minutes can now be changed
-Real Time
-Various bug fixes
-KITT added
-pursuit mode and super pursuit mode
-talking KITT
-Some new loading screens
-Inital Version
Saturday, November 24, 2007
The World Adventurer - Basic Chinese 1.0
TWA - A FREE game you must download to learn Chinese happily & quickly.
Scorched 3D 41.1
Scorched 3D is a game based on the classic DOS game Scorched Earth.
Cybernoid 2
Strap into your ship and enter the Pirate space fortress for some pillage of you
De Blob
De Blob is a 3D game in which the player controls a ball of paint rolling
Air Assault 3D 1.0
The ultimate helicopter game with great graphics and gorgeous effects awaits you
8BallClub Billiards Online 1.83
Modern Billiards Online with excellent graphics, realistic physics simulation.
Invasion 3D 1.0-Win32
Fun, addictive 3D arcade game with stunning visual effects and heavy firepower!
Last Chaos 2
on-line role playing game,fight and upgrade their courage,and more.
AfterBurner 3D 1.0
An excellent fanmade remake of SEGA's classic first-person shooter Afterburner.
TWA - A FREE game you must download to learn Chinese happily & quickly.
Scorched 3D 41.1
Scorched 3D is a game based on the classic DOS game Scorched Earth.
Cybernoid 2
Strap into your ship and enter the Pirate space fortress for some pillage of you
De Blob
De Blob is a 3D game in which the player controls a ball of paint rolling
Air Assault 3D 1.0
The ultimate helicopter game with great graphics and gorgeous effects awaits you
8BallClub Billiards Online 1.83
Modern Billiards Online with excellent graphics, realistic physics simulation.
Invasion 3D 1.0-Win32
Fun, addictive 3D arcade game with stunning visual effects and heavy firepower!
Last Chaos 2
on-line role playing game,fight and upgrade their courage,and more.
AfterBurner 3D 1.0
An excellent fanmade remake of SEGA's classic first-person shooter Afterburner.
Monday, November 19, 2007
Indogamers (IDGS)
Indogamers is an Indonesian gamers community that allocate online game server for many PC online game like Counter-Strike, Dota, Lineage C3-C4, MU Online, A3, and World of Warcraft. Indogamers have more than 67 member with 3500 visitor everyday.
Indogamers ( IDGS )
Cubemaster Download
Cubemaster Gold
Instead of being confined in a 10 * 20 drop zone with 7 shapes, Cubemaster is flexible beyond belief. Play Classic (10*20 with 7 shapes), Pro (16*24 with 14 shapes), Extreme (18*24 with 21 shapes) or why not construct your own with the 'Free' option. Cubemaster can be controlled with either keyboard, mouse or joystick, and all controls can be reconfigured. If you like Tetris but want something extra then Cubemaster is the game for you. Cubemaster comes with 85 backgrounds, 40 midi tunes, 15 different cube graphics, and even an earthquake effect... and a feeling that is unbeatable. Our concept is quality freeware.
Cubemaster Gold New Features
Cubemaster Gold v4.0 is now fully XP compliant.
Added a new game mode 'Gold' with a 20 x 24 play zone and with 10 new shapes.
Removed a bug that made the game go really slow under Windows XP.
Removed a bug that made the drop helper disappear under Windows XP.
Status bar now contains a clock that shows how much level time there are left.
Added a beep sound that warnes when the are 3 seconds left on that level.
Added a date column to the highscore window.
Game can now be minimized to a tray icon by using the 'Boss' button.
Totally redesigned configuration for easier understanding.
Added a function to install / calibrate joystick within the game.
Added a new background mode 'Solid Color'
Added 25 new backgrounds, the total is now 100.
Added a function to select your own default music / tile folder.
Added a function so that background pictures now can be tiled or stretched.
Music system is totally rebuild from the ground and now support most used formats.
Supported music formats are: Midi, Mp1, Mp2, Mp3, Mod, S3m, Xm, It, Mtm.
Rebuild the music collection witch now contains 20 midi tunes and 10 Amiga tunes.
Added a function for allowing different music search patterns.
All volumes can now be changed independently.
Added 3 new row animations 'Row Splitter', 'Cube Shatter' and 'Row Shrinker'.
Added a function so that row animation can be randomized or turned off completely.
Added the ability to turn earthquake effects off completely.
Added popup bubbles. Point on anything to get help on that function. (Can be turned off)
Redesigned the help file, it's now made in HTML.
Added 5 new cube textures Hive, Maya, Borg, Time and Floppy the total is now 20.
Added skin support. Cubemaster comes with 5 skins Alien, Chrome, Gold, Plastic and Wood.
Added a function to get a random skin each time you start Cubemaster.
Added X-Cubes (special cubes) to help the player to get out of tight spots.
klik for download the game >>>
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